The Doctor Will Kill You Now


Sheila Gunn Reid looks at documents exclusively obtained by Rebel News showing how Veterans Affairs Canada attempted to hide a paper trail of evidence relating to caseworkers suggesting ailing veterans choose to access the Medical Assistance in Dying program.

Veterans Affairs Canada began using verbal updates to communications managers and bureaucrats to prevent leaving a paper trail amongst those handling the fallout of the scandal of department case workers who offered suffering and desperate veterans euthanasia instead of treatment.

And I have the documents to prove it.

11 Replies to “The Doctor Will Kill You Now”

  1. Be it proposed that all areas of government offices shall be continually recorded both visually and audibly to ensure a proper record of the actions of government takes place.

    And if the concern is that the government won’t get honest advice, or be able to speak freely, one should ask why they have anything to hide.

  2. The Doctor will change your sex now. Now that they don’t have to treat legitimately ailing Vets.

  3. Ontario is a single-party consent jurisdiction and I’ve shown multiple people how to use their phones to surreptitiously record work conversations. Dodging accountability like this should earn criminal time.

  4. Do not get me started on that garbage organization, been dealing with them for over twenty years. We sued them for disability payments, and won but getting any services from them is like getting blood from a stone. I have always wondered if the managers get big bonuses via denying services thus saving millions? Think of the millions they can save via killing those who served their nation?

  5. In the view of our beloved PM and his Liberal government, a true patriot would be the veteran who opts for MAID rather than burden the health care system with his ailments.
    Funny how we critics said MAID would get out of control when they first mentioned it, and we were called all sorts of nasty names, but here it is.
    Canada leads the world in government approved murder, far surpassing even Holland and Belgium who started it to reduce their population 15 years before Canada.

    13,241 MAIDs in 2022, 44,958 since inception in 2016. Quebec leads the world in percentage of euthanized citizens,even surpassing Holland.. I guess the rest of Canada had better speed up their processes.

  6. As soon as the Liberals took over in 2015, the folks at Veterans Affairs were told to start denying legitimate claims in the hopes that the Veterans would just give up.
    And if you ever hear a Liberal brag about giving Veterans “Pensions for life”….

    The average payout is less than $100 per month.
    but you get it “for life”

    Try living on that.
