15 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. How many look forward to the eventual destruction of Canada, other than the liberals. A rail strike should bring us closer to the edge. A nation of fools run by idiots.

  2. The Obama’s are the biggest hypocrites around.
    Worth at least 70 million, they have four residences whose total worth is close to 20 million.
    They insult and tell lies about Trump and people ohh and ahh and laugh even as we know Barack’s Deep State nearly let Trump get murdered.
    They sold their souls a long time ago.

    1. ‘But class warfare is never about the rich socialists giving up things, it’s about them taking things away from others.’

      True words. They want your tax money for their use, not to use their own money for what they want.

  3. RE: “Stop hating Jews.”

    Unlike some people, I do have the ability to differentiate between antisemitic hatred of Jews and not supporting the state of Israel.
    I believe that people who cannot support the state of Israel for one reason or another should be able to express their opinion freely without being accused of antisemitism.
    Just to be clear, I do support the state of Israel. Unquestionably. Without a doubt, I would say that not only does Israel have a right to exist, but they have every right to flourish and prosper as the only free and democratic state in the region. Israel also has a right to expect that their neighbors respect Israel’s territory without fear of attack from those who would want nothing less than to see it’s destruction.
    Fred Hahn is trying to walk a fine line between speaking out against Israel, and outright antisemitism, to appease some of his members who actually are antisemites. Unfortunately for Hahn, he crossed that line, and made things worse by trying to apologize with a statement justifying his position being longer than the actual “apology” itself.

    Hahn must resign.

    1. OK. It’s just that Anti-Semites do *hate* Israel, and Hamas and Gazans who support Hamas *are* Anti-Semites of the greatest calibre.

      Thus most support for Gazans is directly antisemitic, or helping antisemitism.

      I’m not saying a word against Israel before all hostages are released and Hamas apologizes.

  4. Americans need to remember that not a single one of them voted for Kamala. She was anointed by Democrat oligarchs and deep state power brokers, and it is to them and not the citizens of the nation to whom she is beholden.

    1. Apparently that is not an issue for any of those delegates at the DNC.
      Not a peep from any of them.
      They are mesmerized by the joy and the excitement and TDS.
      We have an expression in our neck of the woods:
      BS baffle brains.

  5. Voting is passe’.
    Free speech toodle loo.
    And borders.
    Oh yes, Math too.
    Stay tuned.
    They’re coming for you.

  6. Blackie isn’t worried about the rail strike. He/She is travelling around Quebec today for photo-ops.
