Trump Shooting: Lone Gunman

NY Post;

“Why does a 19-year-old kid who is a health care aid need encrypted platforms not even based in the United States, but based abroad – where most terrorist organizations know it is harder for our law enforcement to get into?” asked [Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.)]

“That’s a question I’ve had since day one,” the Republican panel member said, before pivoting to bash the US Secret Service and FBI for declining to release the full findings of their investigation into the July 13 shooting at a Trump rally.

“They need to be releasing information as they come across it, because this wasn’t an isolated incident. The threats are continual,” Waltz claimed, citing the alleged “sophisticated plot” by an Pakistani national who paid off purported hitmen to assassinate Trump and other US officials.

10 Replies to “Trump Shooting: Lone Gunman”

  1. Have either of the Congressional and Senate committees investigating the Trump shooting heard from the sniper that killed Crooks?

    What did they see and when?

    1. Joke
      It’s republitards, and they are useless bible pounding idiots. Dick Johnson when he took the gavel (speakership) he put on a big show of bible pounding with his payerschiff, and have effed up consistently since.
      Hell, they could have taken hilery down in 17-18 when Trey Goudy dug up V Foster’s boby, and discovered 2 bullet holes in the back of his skull . They effed up the Benghazi thing, and just about every other thing they “investigate”. Butt they pray a lot, and do eff all else. Just like our kuckservatives.

  2. The fix is in.
    Magical Obama’s security teams are going to react too slowly over and over until he’s dead.

  3. Our so called Progressive Governments have no Morals! The idea of cheating is a constant for them! And our bought and paid Journalists continue to lie for their masters!!! Democracy has died!!
    For the Western World to survive we need the Conservatives in Canada to win and the Trump Republicans! At no time in history have we seen such morale decay!

  4. Meanwhile … it’s all JOY and ENTHUSIASM at the DNC. What do they know that we don’t? We are unsafe and can barely make ends meet … why are they so Joyful?

  5. Unfortunately, this may be a nothingburger, because the secure messaging apps located in the US may not be trustworthy any more, include Signal, Whatsapp, and others. Neither is the government.

    They didn’t identify what apps he was using.
    They still haven’t identified who he was communicating with.

    That silence says a lot.

  6. “Why does a 19-year-old kid who is a health care aid need encrypted platforms not even based in the United States…
    For the same reasons he needs an AR.
    Mind how you go Congressman, mind how you go.

  7. I made a comment last year on one of Canada’s “crack journalism” sites.

    I wrote, “If the courts can’t do the job…the FBI will find some incel type loser, ply him with praise, teach him to use a gun, and send him to take out Trump; telling the kid he will be a hero. And then they will kill him to keep him quiet”

    Deleted of course.

    They will be trying again.
