Art Of The Deal

RFK Jr endorses Trump: “RFK Jr. Endorses Donald Trump and Drops Out of the Presidential Race, Leaving a Scathing Attack on the Democrat Party.”

Great moments in “Where were you when?”… CNN cuts away

Unburdened by political savvy, Harris refused to meet with him.

Update: Trump rally, live from Arizona, and the Youtube feed is extremely low resolution… weird.

So here it is on Rumble.

Highly recommended: Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn reaction to the endorsement.

93 Replies to “Art Of The Deal”

    1. I think we will finally find out what’s in those CIA/FBI/Warren Commission files.

      1. Why do you think that will happen? Trump had four years to do that and he evaded the issue. I doubt he’ll do anything different this time, IF he wins.

  1. The most historically important speech since 1968. Honestly … I believe I am reliving the anti-VietNam war movement … renewed as the anti-Ukraine quagmire neverending Neocon war movement.

    RFK Jr simply BURNED DOWN the Democrat Party, the lapdog media, and the government-social media complex. Just BURNED THEM DOWN … with the TRUTH!!

    1. This is huge. The way they have ripped up democracy to serve just themselves – they deserve jail.

    2. This is enormous! What a huge move for RFK Jr. His move is good for America, whose two main political parties failed to find two good candidates for the next presidential 2024 election, among 333 million people, no less.

      That should be a message to political donors.
      It is definitely huge international news, so overseas players will or have shuffled $$$$$.

      Trump might be OK, if the election boxes are not stuffed. Like Biden, he is really rather aged to run America, and his personnel selections for aides are not always best. Harris is an obvious looser and could not manage a fast-food store.

      Let’s also hope RFK Jr. does not get the health cabinet position he covets, as he has some extreme views on not vaxing children for anything; I agree that COVID fake vaccines should never have been mandated anywhere.

        1. I’ll bet you didn’t get as far as Deplorable’s 3rd paragraph, GYM, because you would have realized that You and Deplorable are pretty much on the same page.

          Actually, (and I know this is going to shock some of SDA’rs) but I am actually in that club.

          Yes, RFK Jr’s support is big. It may even make a huge dent in the election, but I must warn everyone… The demon-rats have a plan “B”, “C”, and “D” if things don’t go their way.

          Plan “B” is to manipulate advance polling, and mail-in ballots, and discourage Republican voters.
          If that doesn’t seem to be working, Plan “C” would be to print more fake ballots.
          If the results are “too big to steal,” Plan “D” would be to create a false-flag, initiating WWIII, or some other “emergency” (like for example, making a big enough deal out of MPox), and use the crises to cancel the election altogether.

          Who knows what’s up their sleaves. There may be plans “E”, “F”, “G”,… all the way up to “Z”, before they double-up on the letters.

          The point is that the demon-rats cannot win unless they cheat, and experience as taught us that they have become quite good at cheating, so don’t assume anything. This election is going to instigate chaos. That’s about the only sure thing that can come out of this election cycle.
          We’ve already seen how the demon-rats have booted out their candidate for president in favor of someone who hasn’t received a single delegate vote during the primaries. That was unprecedented. So don’t be shocked at any other surprises the demon-rats have in store, and for God’s sakes, don’t assume that Trump has this election in the bag.

          1. I think Johnpeg was calling notice to Deplorable’s typo: “Looser” instead of “Loser.”

            I do not appreciate such comments. I myself have noticed that I typed “as” instead of “has” as in “…and experience *_as_* taught us that…”

            Ah, yes… the keyboard has betrayed me in more than one instance.

            The point is that we shouldn’t invalidate the message over a silly little gramatical error, typo, or spelling mistake. (Note that I’ve mis-spelled “grammatical” in the previous sentence, but left it like that to illustrate the point.)

          2. fc: Robert was just having fun, not invalidating a message. Stodginess is unbecoming.

          3. fc: I for one could tell (probably most folks here who don’t have their thumb up their ass). And, yes, I like loose women as well, and people with a sense of humor.

      1. Hyena Harris couldn’t manage a lemonade stand, but she could teach the underage staff about the political value of fellatio.

      1. Wait. So you’re accusing the nations #1 victim of CIA conspiracies to assassinate RADICAL politicians … of being part of a conspiracy theory? Easy on those theories, my friend … or as Biden would say … “God Love ya, ma’aaan”

    3. I agree Kenji! If Trump can win in I’m afraid another corrupt election! I hope he makes RFK head of the FBI or CIA! Just thinking it’s time to clean up the trash!

  2. When a former drug addict with a history of brain parasites starts making the most sense….

    Good for him. Won’t stop the steal, but will make it more difficult.

  3. Well at least now I don’t have the constant urge to clear my throat whenever RFK Jr. speaks.

  4. Notice the demorats and their media lackies act like Harris has already won the election-what do they know that we don’t?

    1. Yep – and we get the TV commercials with KackingKamela & TamponTim pushing the vax by pfizer, a day after he was announced. They do plan on stealing this election like they stole the last one, is my feeling as well.

    2. Either they know Harris will win because their ability to cheat is unlimited , or they are trying to sell the idea Harris is winning to keep the race close enough so that they can cheat to win because there is a limit to their ability to cheat.

      We shall see, because I think Trumps’s actual performance against Harris will be better than it even was against Biden.

      1. The MSM must sell the lie that Karmala is winning, or in a tight race, so when the fix comes in, they can point to the credibility of the result.

      2. If Harris actually shows up for the debate, she is doomed; until vote counting is suspended and the trucks arrive.

  5. President Donald John Trump thanked “Bobby” for the endorsement and for suspending his candidacy in key states which DJT needs to win, while it doesn’t matter if he continues in some other states, so there’s a bit of what happened in France in their most recent parliamentary election.
    He laid out the case against Biden-Harris well, and their spending of $100 million to defeat him while Harris has no sign of having won any primaries.

    I think in the closing 70 days of the campaign, RFK will find he’s asked to campaign more in those states like Pennsylvania which are close, and I do hope DJT finds room for him within the next Admin.
    At the DJT rally in Glendale-Phoenix AZ today near to dinner time, perhaps there will be a “special guest” on stage with DJT … It’ll be good to see them together on stage as the last 2 months unfold.

    Think of it as “the playoffs” part of the election, or to folks like Kate, the closing stretch of that horserace..

    The CIA will need a new man at the top, Bobby…

        1. imagine he’s doing his first tour of the place.

          except someone tipped him off, and he starts ordering seizures of files, computers, archive access, etc

        2. I don’t think that’s the plan. RFK Jr. will likely end up in the administration managing the FDA, or some sort of similar position where he can implement his agenda regarding youth health.

      1. If he was appointed to head the CIA, RFK would have an “accident” on his first day way to work.

        Or he might be found dead, victim of an apparent suicide, with two bullets to the head.

    1. Based on what I heard, a good role would be just making elections fair, voter ID, citizenship, paper ballots day of with limited exceptions, etc etc

    2. I want to see Tulsi as Defense Secretary and Kennedy as head of the CIA or FDA. OK May Tony Shaffer as head of the DNI.

    3. It’s hard to win a primary when you aren’t on the ballot; but Democrats blew right past that. We don’t have to wait for election fraud to begin in November, it’s already in full swing.

    1. A strong position for Gabbard? That would be sensible. It’s tradition that any Cabinet always includes at least one member from the other party. Choosing two, RFK and Gabbard, would help put the nail in the Clinton-Obama coffin.

      And there’s a further reason. No democracy or republic can survive without an acceptable alterative choice whom both could live with. By summarily overthrowing Biden in a palace coup, the Democrats have become rabid animals.

      1. “A strong position for Gabbard? That would be sensible. It’s tradition that any Cabinet always includes at least one member from the other party. Choosing two, RFK and Gabbard, would help put the nail in the Clinton-Obama coffin.”

        A great idea. Both of them have widespread appeal despite being (nominal) Democrats, and would bring some voters with them.

  6. The Kennedy kids have released a statement to nobody’s surprise, and I expect there will be more like this…

    Kerry Kennedy:
    “Statement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s announcement today
    We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise, and national pride. We believe in Harris and Walz. Our brother Bobby’s decision to indorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”
    Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
    Courtney Kennedy
    Kerry Kennedy
    Chris Kennedy
    Rory Kennedy
    Joe Kennedy

    1. “The Kennedy kids have released a statement to nobody’s surprise, and I expect there will be more like this… ”

      Yeah, they were really wailing about it, weren’t they? They all seemingly ignored the fact that the Democratic Party of today is *not* the one they grew up with.

    2. Oh well … That was yesterday, when Democrats crested high.

      Do you want benign Catholics or a newby to your country?

    3. If the Kennedy trust fund babies actually WANTED all those things? They’d be supporting Trump … because Harris will ELIMINATE all those things from America.

      1. The inbred bootlegger family has long since lost the thread. If JFK were alive today, he’d support Trump.

    1. Gym… Catholics are not communists, even though our pope may very well be. There you go again with your bigotry!

      In fact, you’d be surprised how conservative Catholics really are. For you to mischaracterize Catholics by calling them communist shows how truly out of touch with reality you really are.

      Seek help!

  7. Normally when there is a third party candidate, he will never win, but will steal enough votes from one of the main parties to guarantee the win to the other. Other than his views on vaccines, Kennedy was a Democrat at heart, his policies were left of center, so if he had any amount of support, his candidacy would have drawn votes from Kamala, and guaranteed the win for Trump.

    But he had no money, couldn’t raise anywhere near enough, so he’s out. His endorsement of Trump will have no effect on the outcome, he’s too small a player.

    1. “But he had no money, couldn’t raise anywhere near enough, so he’s out. His endorsement of Trump will have no effect on the outcome, he’s too small a player.”

      Can’t agree. I’ve watched him speak on video a couple of times just to see what all the fuss was about. Aside from his unfortunate voice affliction, he speaks very well and takes a common-sense approach to various issues that has won him a lot of fans.

      1. Fred, you are bang on target here. This is massively important. The Kennedys are the most highly respected of the Democrat ‘famous families’. And RFKJr is the most well known and respected of them all. For him to throw his support publicly behind Trump and to revile in strong language the state of the Democrat party is a political earthquake. Someone on this board was very accurate when they stated, “Camelot has fallen.”

        Clearly, as a true Democrat, RFKJr cannot accept the pit of corruption, greed and vileness that the DNC has become.

    2. I would disagree with the assertion that RFK would have drawn votes away from the demon-rats. Actually, the numbers show that he would have drawn votes away from Trump.

  8. Hoping the Shanahan gal (who looks to be pretty hot btw) spends some of her cabbage on the campaign. We need to counteract all the Iranian money flowing in to Harris.

  9. The choice is clear.. Glib leftist nonsense or Trump.. As far as economy goes, its a no brainer..

    1. As far as FREEDOM, LIBERTY, FREE SPEECH and the RIGHT to bear arms … it’s a no-brainer

  10. I am seeing comments to the effect, even the actual words, that this makes the 2024 election TOO BIG TO RIG. Don’t believe it. Basement Biden won with the largest vote ever (81 million), bigger than Obomber’s, without actually campaigning.

  11. Who needs poltical savvy when you have the counting machines and the TV companies?

    1. Good yo see RFK, Jr.’s endorsement. But the dominant corporate media w8ll censor everything Kennedy will say from now on. The media and tech oligarchs will pull out all stops to arrange for a Harris victory. The oligarchs are keen to destroy U.S. society.

  12. RFK jr might poll 1 or 2%. A typical US election ends 49-51. This could make a difference.

    1. The RFK decision could work, if Trump says NOTHING. When your opponent is being a disaster, i.e., democrats, put a muzzel on Trump until November. Let others stump for Trump! He will HAte THAT, BUT it is the best strategy.

      Most Americans wake up in October and vote in November.

  13. A Kennedy will draw the sniper fire according to the Babylon Bee – Trump is genius!

  14. Make no mistake, I am no fan of RFK’s radical, unhinged, global warming “environmentalism”. Does that mean I want filthy water and foul air? That’s like calling me a Natzi because I don’t bow the knee to Kamelala and the Deep State. Of course I want a clean environment. But I don’t want a clean environment in Palo Alto, while Communist China is fouled beyond belief. I don’t want to waste all our limited resources on the fantasyland of Net Zero nonsense.

    But … as RFK Jr. said himself … we may still have profound differences of opinions on many topics … however we agree on the most crucial, existential crises facing our country from the totalitarian fascist communist Democrat Party. Welcome to the fold, Bobby. Welcome to the fight.

    I suggest RFK Jr. take Dr. Fauxci’s job in running the Wuhan and Ukraine bioweapons Labs.

  15. If history is a good indicator of future events the folks currently in charge are meeting right now with CIA and FBI operatives to get an “insurance policy”.
    In about a month from now a report on a story from “credible sources” will reveal Trump meeting with foreign agents to get a kickback. The FBI will request a FISA warrant based on “intelligence” and discover damning evidence which will go to the senate committee and have the impeachment motion ready to go the day Trump takes the oath of office.

    1. New rules.
      “Credible Sources” now means “Fact Checkers” or Media Experts..non existent.
      The old tools are not working..hence the bullet to the ear.
      As Hillary stated;”If he wins we will all hang”.
      And rightly so.
      Only the most dense voter can ignore the obvious.
      These parasites so fear exposure that they blew their own cover.
      Trump Derangement Syndrome is a blessing.
      If Trump and his allies are not now playing for keeps,operating under the conditions now established..they deserve to lose.

      The Demon Rats are Greedy Evil Bastards,they are so intent on destroying Donald Trump that they fail to see,that he is the only thing standing between themselves and anarchy.
      An anarchy they have no chance of surviving,now that their cover is blown.

  16. Tied in polls?

    Yeah, the “truth” from the organizations that told us Biden was “sharp as a tack”.

  17. Trump may lose the election, but he will not lose the electorate.
    Better check those fake polls again, Nice.

  18. It is amazing that Democrats are able to garner campaign contributions in the complete absence of a Harris platform. The mindless liberal lemmings are scrambling for the cliff.
