August 23, 2024: Reader Tips

This evening, we slow things down and present this subdued documentary about William Blake, an Edwardian Photographer.

Do share your subdued or more vibrant news tips.

Finishing up my visit in NYC, I drove to Boston via this circuitous route. While walking around in Mystic, CT with my Vancouver friends, a man walked past and said, “I absolutely love your shirt!” It reads, “Proud member of a small fringe minority with unacceptable views”. He and his wife are retired NYC police officers. He was SUPER knowledgeable about the Truckers Protest, Pierre Poilievre’s infamous interview eating an apple, and a whole lot of other things going on in Canuckistan. Great fellow!

55 Replies to “August 23, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. The Powers That Be/Deep State have gone to Plan B, since Plan A was a dementia ridden, pants shitting, child sniffing, corrupt, global embarrassment. Everybody knows Kamala Harris is an extremely unlikable, vacuous, commie, diversity shill, Obama puppet. She couldn’t get above 2% support in the 2020 Democrat primaries and had the lowest popularity rating of any VP in history, because she is an honest to goodness moron. She was selected because she can read a teleprompter better than the shuffling cadaver in the White House. Every time she is stumped by a question, she cackles like a hyena, so she cackles a lot.

    She hasn’t had an original thought or idea in her entire worthless, sleeping up the ladder, life. But, suddenly she is the toast of the town and the regime media has gone into full propaganda mode to elevate her as the joyful diversity queen who will lead us to the promised land. It is beyond laughable, but have you observed the ignorant masses and their immense gullibility and lack of critical thinking skills? The Deep State engineers have, and they know they can place her in the oval office. The propaganda media machine is in full “elect Kamala” mode…

    1. The term technological singularity was coined not by Kurzweil, but by Vernor Vinge, way back in the late 80s.
      Also, FTA:
      “Yet Kurzweil largely omits discussion of ominous megaf0rces that are also on the horizon: the baked-in devastation of climate change, the scourge of economic inequality, political polarization, deepfakes and misinformation, the rise of “technofeudalism” and the very real possibility that the future will be controlled by a few monolithic companies such as Google, where Kurzweil resides as “chief researcher and A.I. Visionary.””

      1. “….and the very real possibility that the future will be controlled by a few monolithic companies such as Google,…….”

        Blade Runner comes to mind.

    1. Another Way to Measure Intelligence.
      I’m disappointed that North Dakota and Mississippi beat us.

    1. “Daily NK (Korean: 데일리NK, romanized: Deilli NK) is an online newspaper based in Seoul, South Korea

      Daily NK is a recipient of funding from multiple institutions and private donors, including the National Endowment for Democracy, an NGO funded by the U.S. Congress. The organization is part of a consortium with the Unification Media Group, which is a South Korea–based non-profit organization that produces and delivers radio content into North Korea via short-wave radio broadcasts.”

      Daily NK appears to be a propaganda organ.

      Quick start guide for those catching up: North Korea are some of the good guys.

      1. We’ll have to agree to disagree on the this. I support an open society where ideas and evidence can be freely discussed. This is one, and perhaps the most important concept, coming from the Enlightenment. This SDA blog site is an example of the Enlightenment, since it presents counter-evidence to the dominant, one-sided corporate media.

        The Trudeau government just passed a law, The Online Harms Act, mandating that the CRTC regulate larger online news sites. I am against this law, since the left-wing CRTC has been responsible for the mind-numbing “news” airing on TV and radio.

        Justin Trudeau has consistently supported closed-society regimes and criticized democracies. We are seeing the fruits of his corrupt, quasi-totalitarian governance today. Matt, if you like North Korea so much, you can always tune into the CBC News.

  2. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
    ― Marianne Williamson

    1. Nice catch.
      Walz is a lying communist from Nebraska, well-suited to imposing the draconian, authoritarian rule that the People’s Republic of Minnesota love. That he treats his (non-IVF generated) son like a misbehaving farm animal is reflective of how he also treats citizens. Probably uses the paintball gun on the kid at home.

  3. Re: RFK supporting Trump:
    Rumors floating on X that Shanahan wants to proceed with a Trump endorsement, but his wife (Cheryl Hines) hates Trump, and would be cut off from her Hollywood friends.
