22 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. KanekoaTheGreat
    “Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein says the Democrat Party is “suing us off multiple state ballots” and “hiring spies and infiltrators to sabotage” her campaign.

    : “Democrats ABSOLUTELY cheat and change the rules to maintain their grip on power.”

    @MichelleObama [‘Big Mike’]
    : “We don’t have the luxury of cheating others to get further ahead—We don’t get to change the rules so we always win.””


    1. I’m starting to think Israel’s position in the world simply isn’t viable. Simply put, they’re surrounded by people who are hostile to their very existence, they’re vastly outnumbered, and they can’t fight them all forever. It doesn’t really matter whether their cause is just or moral; the raw numbers just aren’t in their favour and never will be.

      Even if they were to maintain some kind of absurd kill ratio like 10:1 forevermore, and they can’t, the numbers still don’t work. Add the increasing rot of their American backers and stir. It’s a recipe for eventual total defeat, even if it takes 25, 50, 75 years to manifest. Another symptom of the downfall of western civilization.

      1. Jews have no choice. They live or die with Israel. Even the ones not living in Israel need Israel. Just look at how Canada is treating Jews now and you see why. And Jews have been around for a very long time outlasting all kinds of empires bent on destroying them.

        1. “Jews have no choice. They live or die with Israel. Even the ones not living in Israel need Israel. Just look at how Canada is treating Jews now and you see why. And Jews have been around for a very long time outlasting all kinds of empires bent on destroying them.”

          There is one glaringly obvious solution to all this (other than driving the residents of Gaza into Egypt and the ones in the West Bank back to Jordan): take out the leadership of Iran. *Before* they get their first nuclear weapon operational.

          Do that, and Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis all suddenly cease to be a problem anymore….just like magic.

        1. Americans were much more capable of supplying them with the arms & equipment they needed in the past. Today, they simply are not. The American industrial base has hollowed out to such extent that there’s no way she could wage total war for any prolonged period, never mind resupply allies.

          I don’t like this reality, but it is what it is.

        1. Right, but if it ever reaches that point, they’ve essentially already lost; they’ll just make it a Pyrrhic victory for their vanquishers.

    2. Supremacist settlers??? Bias much? Those are the indigenous people of the area who have been there for more than 2000 years. The only supremacist settlers there are the Muslim Arabs.

  2. Wow!!! Thanks for the Davey Todd video of a practice run at the TT. Having ridden bikes all my life and still do today ( BMW R1200GS) that 19 minutes was awesome. I could never or would never ride at that speed for even a few seconds. Truly the best video I have watched in a long while. Davey hit speeds a few times of 300KPH plus.

    1. I know it’s just beyond incredible. I’ve ridden for close to 50 years and live ,breathe, and dream bikes but that ride was more like a video game than anything I could even dream of doing!

  3. So the people who go out and support a terrorist group that openly states their goal is the total annihilation of the indigenous people of the region, a group who have a long and proven track record of brutality not only towards Jews but also toward Christians and any Muslim who disagrees with them, who turn aid into bombs and terror tunnels, who commit atrocities or the grossest kind to the elderly, to children, to women, to male captives, who do things like dress up as doctors and shoot from behind the glass incubators of premature babies, end up being discriminated against because they support such things.

    My heart bleeds for them. I weep for them in their suffering. NOT! Apparently there are a few sensible people left in Canada.
