One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest

Dr Steven Quay;

Finally, our peer-reviewed paper is published.

WIV created an undisclosed MERS synthetic virus and was swapping out receptor binding domains.

MERS is 30% lethal but, at least in nature, it fails to support human-to-human transmission.

Why is a #CCP supported lab doing this? […]

Remember, a key claim of the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper was that a lab would never use an undisclosed backbone for dangerous research.

Here is the proof that claim is wrong.

Paper is here

29 Replies to “One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”

  1. Still can’t wrap my head around the fact that U.S. taxpayers were funding ANY virus research in a mass murdering communist dictatorship in the first place, let alone gain of function research. CRIMINAL. EVIL. DEMONIC.

    1. Worse … funding it through an unregulated intermediary … hence providing TRAITORS like Dr.(sic) Fauxci plausible deniability

  2. “Why is a #CCP supported lab doing this?”

    Biological warfare, of course. Just like the USSR signed the BTWC and then ramped up its BW program to manufacture industrial quantities of anthrax, smallpox, brucellosis, and other human pathogens, to say nothing of its fourth generation CW agent “novichok” program.

    Like the CPSU, the CCP is a murderous communist dictatorship. Why does a murderous communist dictatorship do anything? Next question.

    1. I think that Fauci’s ruling that research on SARs style coronaviruses in Wuhan because “it wasn’t that risky” and because it got around US prohibitions, and was cheaper, a decision that caused the premature deaths of millions, makes the US “mass murdering” too.

      And what were those biolabs doing in Ukraine? Oh, that’s right, even though they were admitted to under oath, and it was admitted that dangerous pathogens were there, we are all pretending to believe Ukrainian and US govt denials.

    2. Fauci was American, working for the American NIH.
      It was America funding the GoF research.

      1. supported by China.

        Remember, several faculty members were very quietly deported and searches deleted.

  3. Gain of function research needs to be made an international crime punishable by death of all involved individuals.

  4. I’m old enough to remember when biological weapon research was banned by international treaty. Looks like the west said “screw it, killing millions is fine, we’ll just keep it a secret by doing it with our good buddies in China.”
    …and people get outta shape when Russia decides that they will no longer adhere to nuclear weapons treaties.
    The west no longer has any moral standing whatsoever.

    1. “The west no longer has any moral standing whatsoever.”
      And hasn’t had for a while. One of my favorite scifi authors posited in his most recent book that even the most stable democracies don’t survive much more than 200 years before they turn into authoritarian states run by corrupt, power-hungry elites. I think the US and UK are there. Canada and Australia are quickly getting there.

      1. I think that the likelihood of getting sociopaths into leadership positions is higher for a democracy than, say, a monarchy.

  5. I’m often intrigued by the difference in presentation of the scientific world and the business world. In business, if you discover something that works that is unique to your vocation, you guard that information with all diligence so as not to give your competitors the same edge. In science, the end all be all of that vocation is to get published and make sure all your peers are aware of how awesome you are. The digital age heighted the risk of bioweapon application at least 100 fold. Immediate access to sequences and the like. Hell, that Chinese Bat Lady had all kinds of publications remarkably related to COVID.

    1. Blaming the internet for state-funded bioweapons research.
      Now I’ve heard everything.

      1. (Richard Danzig, a former Navy secretary, says that he understands the impetus towards moratoriums. He points to the years following the Manhattan Project, when research was classified and researchers monitored, as an example of a research control regime that worked. But today, the Internet makes implementing a similar control regime much harder, Danzig said at a 2013 Atlantic Council event.)

        1. Utter BS.
          Not spending millions on it is a good start.
          “We wanted a moratorium, but you know, man, the internet!”
          Gotta be pretty dim to swallow that.

  6. We can count our blessings we have Big Pharma to save us when the chicomms try to kill us.


  7. Peer reviewed my furry butt.

    The paper was received on April 5th and accepted on April 12th. It typically takes months to do a proper peer review.

    1. How long does it normally take to review ENORMOUS RAT GENITALS?

      You know I’m going to keep doing this every time you pretend peer review isn’t completely corrupted. At this point it’s like you’re saying “It MUST be true! It’s in Pravda! It’s right there in the name!”

    2. “It typically takes months to do a proper peer review.”

      And even then, it is so corrupted by politics as to be absolutely useless.

      1. Incorrect. First, much peer review today is double blind. The reviewers are not told who the authors are (although sometimes they can guess). Second, many scientists do an excellent job of staying objective.

        But the peer review has to be properly done. A seven-day peer review isn’t a peer review.

        1. When is a peer review not a peer review? When it is not what it a peers! (I found this joke in the Pierre Review, of South Dakota.)

  8. Any serious “gain of function” research on pathogens has ALWAYS been part of a bioweapons development program, but with a nice sanitized name. It doesn’t surprise me that the CCP was doing this. What shocks me, however, is that our own government was funding a rival foreign power to perform this research.

  9. When your government is funding secret research into bioweapons,as The 5 Eyes (I) did.
    It will freak right out should that weapon be released and spread.

    Such terror would and does explain the insane panic and brutal assault on the citizenry by all of these governments.
    They “knew Covid was lethal” cause their scientists had told them so.
    Successful research..Thanks for the cheque
    And just like every other government sponsored product..Covid was a wet squib,weaker than the annual flu season.
    But the “Vaccine” ,that was a glorious government standards.

    Now we know that our helpers spawned the plandemic panic.
    How should we reward them?
