43 Replies to “Scratch A Leftist”

        1. agreed. its generational. their thinking is 60s 70s 80s.
          the textbook stereotype nuuuu yaaawk liberal democrat joooo . . . .isnt a stereotype. are they modelling their life path on the jewish clerical staff in the death camps?

          1. Yup. Just look at all those Jews going unarmed into Gaza so HAMAS can easily exterminate them.

        2. “No it isn’t” – That is correct.
          Not one of the 35 Jews in the US Congress has switched sides since the October 7th attack in Israel.
          They have all seen that all the other constituents of the Democrats want all Jews dead and Israel gone.
          These Jews are Communists first and only “Jewish” by accident of birth. They would sell their family and country out without hesitating.

      1. My Jewish neighbors finally took down their ‘coexist’ lawn sign with all the different symbols that’s been up since Obama.

    1. Last time I checked 7/10 is not all Jews. But go ahead, lump them all together and see they deserve antiSemitism. While you’re at this classification by ethnic group, do you think if 70% of Blacks vote Democrat that means they deserve being replaced by illegal immigrants or do you reserve your contempt solely for Jews. Do you think women who wear skimpy clothes deserve to get raped too?

      1. It’s a pretty serious majority. Maybe the three in ten can have a chat with their neighbours.

  1. And the funny thing is, liberal Jews will CONTINUE to vote for Democrats, even after all of this.

    1. It’s wonderful that you know how all these Jews will vote. Do you also think Blacks still all vote for the Democrats? Or all Hispanics? Or all White suburban women too? Or is your special fountain of knowledge reserved solely for Jews?

    1. And, ironically, the Jews led the attack by the pagan Romans on the Christians. Everyone remembers the Christians persecuting the Jews, but no one remembers the Jews persecuting the Christians.

          1. Before he became the Apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus’ job was to weed out and execute Christians. He was on his way to get rid of Christians in Damascus when Christ intervened.

          2. Justin,
            per your reply below…
            first, the “Christian” Bible includes the Jewish Old Testament.
            second, you used “josephus” conveniently to your biased view.
            third, whether Paul/ Saul was pharisee or saducci is moot.
            excuse the bad grammar but salient points.
            oh, and four… No, I don’t indulge in any pogrom. get bent.

          3. The part of the bible being used to excuse Jew hate is from the section only Christians embrace. Fine for them but it’s called the New Testament for a reason. It’s not part of the Jewish bible. And I am not the only one who questions the veracity of Josephus. Further Josephus himself turned on his own people and became a Roman citizen which hardly makes him a reliable unbiased reporter on Jewish issues even for things that are not forged. And so what? It was 2000 years ago! What is the point of trying to claim whatever Jews get today they deserve because started it by picking on Christians 2000 years ago?

        1. “No one could accuse William Frend, this topic’s other twentieth-century titan — and the author of its last English-language monograph — of ignoring the Jews. Frend was inspired by de Ste Croix to consider the question’s less formal elements.18 But where de Ste Croix set aside Jewish agency, Frend made it his key focus: ‘In the study of the persecutions the Jews, Christians and authorities have an equal part in the drama’.19 For him, persecution stemmed from not just the antagonism between pagans and Christians but also ‘the ceaseless nagging of Old Israel’.20 Specially, Jewish delation was to blame: ‘Added to this, there was the continuous, bitter hostility of the Jews towards the Christians, which ensured that there would lack neither accusers nor mobs to shout “down with the atheists” at the appropriate moment’.21”

          … That the fire was blamed on ‘Christians’ indicates that ‘the orthodox Jews… were able, through influence at Court, to shift the odium of the outbreak on to the hated schismatics, the Christian synagogue. This they hoped to destroy at a single tremendous blow’.71 This ‘influence at Court’ was the presumed agency of Poppaea Sabina (and one Tigellinus), considered sympathetic to the Jewish cause on the basis of Josephus’ testimony that ‘she was a god-fearer (θεοσεβὴς γὰρ ἦν)’ (Jos. Ant. Jud. 20.11.195; see also Vit. 13–16).72


          1. So based on what the Christian bible (a totally biased in favour of Christianity source,) and an interpretation of Josephus writings, many of which are thought by many scholars to be forgeries, says about how Christians were treated by Jews then led by the Sadducees (though Paul was supposedly a Pharisee,) a sect that no long exists in Judaism, you justify and excuse the 2000+ years of persecution of Jews by Christians?

            I’ll bet you still think the Jews killed Jesus too. Do you join in pograms against Jews every Easter? Do you think Jews kill Christian babies to make their passover motzah?

          2. Justin Burch, both Muslim and Catholic sources tell us that Jews provided valuable aid to the Muslim invaders when they attacked Spain. Once the city of Cordoba was captured, the defence of Córdoba was left in the hands of Jews, and Granada, Málaga, Seville, and Toledo were left to a mixed army of Jews and Moors. That is in 711.

            The Muslims and Jews allied to defend Haifa against the crusaders, holding out in the besieged town for a month (June–July 1099). Because of that alliance, when the Crusaders breached the citadel, they killed everyone they found, both Jews and Muslims.

            Jewish attacks on Christianity wasn’t a one-off. To this very day, the Ultra-Orthodox spit on Christians and throw stones at them when Christians walk through neighborhoods. One of the prayers in synagogue (Birkat haMinim) is against the Nazarene “May the Nazarenes (ha-naẓarim/noṣrim/notzrim) and the sectarians (minim) perish as in a moment. Let them be blotted out of the book of life, and not be written together with the righteous. You are praised, O Lord, who subdues the arrogant.”

            Muslims and Jews have always prayed curses down upon Christians, and up until the Second Vatican Council, Christians prayed for the conversion of the Jews “Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy Word; and so fetch them home.” That Christian prayer was removed out of sensitivity for Muslims and Jews, but the Muslim and Jewish prayers against Christians remain.

            Ironically, even today, the Jews will vote with the Muslims and the liberals who are literally killing them, rather than vote with the Christians who support Israel.

          3. Cardano, your ignorance of Judaism is astonishing for both it’s breadth and depth. The Nazarenes were a particular break away Jewish sect that practiced all the Torah laws, called themselves Jews, insisted they were the only “true” Jews, yet believe in the virgin birth and the requirement of remission of sins by the blood of Jesus and the triune God. They were Jewish apostates to Judaism who attempted to present themselves as the only true Jews when clearly their beliefs totally contradict the central tenant of Judaism. They certainly are not any random collection of all Christians. In fact there are very specific teaching and prayers in Judaism about accepting Christians as not being pagan and having a place with Jews in the afterlife and with the coming of the messiah, which naturally you ignore. I could go on and on with the things many you have wrong about Judaism but it is obviously pointless. You have chosen to reinterpret everything through a lens of hatred.

            I suspect you are one of those people who secretly wonders if the Jews are right about Jesus and in the weakness of your own faith you have an intense need to attack and discredit Jews at every posible turn. I feel very sorry for you but I also fear what you are capable of doing to Jews if you get the chance.

          4. Oh and the spitting by a few orthodox fanatics is neither Jewish nor reserved only for for Christians. They spit on Jewish women who are not covered properly or showing their hair, or soldiers in the IDF. They spit on tourists. They even spit on their own they think are misbehaving. And they are NOT doing something approved under any Jewish law. Judging all Jews as hating all Christians because of a couple of bigoted idiots makes as much sense as believing the rantings of a mentally disturbed homeless person shouting about Blacks means all Americans hate Blacks.

          5. Justin Burch, now your mischaracterization of the situation is so egregious, I have to believe you are deliberately lying.

            “Oh and the spitting by a few orthodox fanatics is neither Jewish nor reserved only for for Christians. They spit on Jewish women who are not covered properly or showing their hair, or soldiers in the IDF. They spit on tourists. They even spit on their own they think are misbehaving. And they are NOT doing something approved under any Jewish law”

            There is no consistent “Jewish law”. To even allege the existence of “jewish law” is an anti-semitic slur. If you ask three rabbis about anything, you’ll get five opinions. There is no over-arching authority that has the power to lay down a “law” for Jews. Even something as basic as accepting rabbinic authority in general, or the authority of the Talmud, is a disputed point. Many, many Jews reject both rabbis and Talmud as having any special authority.

            Jews are not some monolithic bloc. Indeed, Judaism is so eclectic that no one live in the first century or prior would recognize ANYONE alive today as being authentically “Jewish.”

    2. The only hope where I live is if the recent Hindu immigrants can distract the recent Muslim immigrants enough to keep them from killing all the white people.
      Hard to believe my region was once mostly German ancestry.

  2. Its funny that adult sheep would think that acting more like a lamb might cure the wolves’ taste for mutton.

  3. Jonathan Kay y’all.
    “Because U.S. Jews are overwhelmingly urban, educated and very, very liberal.”
    Alrighty then.
    And those who vote Republican according to Jon belong to this weird “culture warrior subset”. Okey Dokey.

    My favourite – “…the idea that Obama is somehow “anti-Israel” is a complete myth.”
    Obama delivering pallets of cash to Israel’s arch enemy Iran under the cover of darkness somehow isn’t a big deal for Jon. Stupid C-130 pilots effed up on the time change.
    Whatever you say, Kay.

    Here’s Jon explaining it for the stupid goys.

    1. Well most of my Jewish wife’s family say they are voting for Trump. Trump is also overwelmingly supported by Israelis but what do they know?

  4. Can someone explain to me why every time Kate posts about blatant Jew hate a bunch of people jump on here to make comments excusing it, blame the Jews for it, and justifying it? Does this mean they are out cheering HAMAS on too?

    It’s disgusting!

    1. Disgusting? The comments point out a fact: a majority of Jews vote for politicians who don’t give a shit about them. As per Kate’s oft used heading: getting what they voted for good and hard.

      There are a couple of outright Jew-haters, but everyone here knows who they are.

      1. I disagree. When did I ever see a comment like Blacks got what they voted for, or Christians got what they voted for. This scornful blame the victim is reserved for Jews. Maybe I’m wrong. Feel free to find that comment for me.

        1. You see blacks getting what they voted for all the time.
          As a demographic, Jews vote more liberal than blacks or gays or women.
          I should point out it was Jewish lobbying that got the Lord’s Prayer removed from public schools.
          It was Jewish groups who started cancel culture with Ernst Zundel.
          What is disgusting is you equating any criticism of Jews with the desire to genocide them, or the desire to see Israel destroyed.

          1. All you have to do is look at the comments by the like of Cardano and that’s EXACTLY where it goes. Straight to untrue slanders of ALL Jews not just “liberal ones.”

            As for the Lord’s Prayer, schools should be ideology and religion free, not a place where nonChristian students are required to participate in Christian religious acts. Schools should be about teaching critical thinking and math and reading and writing, not any religion. Would you support starting each school day with Allahu Akbar?

            And Ernest Zundel??? He didn’t just have an alternative opinion. He taught outright lies to children. And there were many Jews who spoke out against introducing antihate laws saying they would backfire and turn into censorship. The answer to scum like Zundel was truth. But of course those aren’t the Jews you’re after are they?

          2. The west is Christian, if you don’t like it leave.
            Also, seems you like freedom of speech, except when people say things you don’t like.
            You are part of the problem, so eff off.

        2. Huh?
          We see comments such as you deny,all the time.
          Do you suffer selective victimhood?
          Where diid you imagine Trump’s challenge to Black American voters came from?
          Any news out of Chicago is usually laden with “Getting what you voted for”.

  5. When the alligator already ate your left foot, but you can’t believe it really bit you, and you’re still standing there while it goes for the left knee.

    Sorry not sorry, Leftists. It’s an alligator. It is going to EAT you. Maybe stop feeding it? Just a suggestion.
