67 Replies to “August 24, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. I wonder if Natalie Perri ever thought about why Plains Indian encampments all looked the same. Those teepees looked like they were stamped out of a mold. What about the Pueblo Indians’ architecture? Not a lot of variation there.

    Did she ever notice that all over the World, there are a bunch of pyramids that are very much the same? How does she explain the McDonadtization of pyramids?

      1. That was Levittowns he wrote about, and she mentioned it, Bunny.

        Little boxes made of ticky-tacky.

        She completely missed the mark on how America transitioned from and agrarian society to what we have today.

        At the turn of the 20th Century, IIRC, 80% of Americans lived on farms. Other than a few cities like NY and Chicago, and other industrial centers, e.g. Pittsburg, and mining centers, towns and cities were small and developed largely to serve as centers of agricultural commerce.

        When WWI came along, the song was “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree?”

        My point is that she missed the mark on how we got to where we are today. Not a complete miss by any means, but the economic and cultural changes drove the developers, builders, and city planners to get us to where we are. They didn’t create the sameness she described. The sameness came from entrepreneurs and planners catering to the demands of the changing times.

    1. This woman makes the utterly biased and ignorant statement that … ”… Consumers inadvertently favored drive-thru fast food …”. Seriously? “Inadvertently”? People like this HATE the Free Marketplace of ideas and/or consumer behavior.

      Do I like the cookie-cutter banality of strip malls and freeway exit fast-food ghettos? Not particularly. Do I stop there and partake of the PREDICTABLE nature of their offerings, including the “easy-on-easy-off” vehicle movement? Of course I do. However, given the time and the tenor … I also seek out local food establishments and shops. My choice. Not this authors.

      1. Exactly right. I’m not particularly thrilled with the standardization of off-ramp America, but as you say, I mostly “ partake of the PREDICTABLE nature of their offerings “ when on a road trip. Yes, old Europe’s architecture is beautiful, but most of their post WWII developed roadside architecture isn’t all that better than ours.

  2. I wonder if schweinie-lovers here are aware of this (don’t remember seeing it mentioned): Putin Signs Decree Granting Residency to Foreigners Who Share ‘Traditional’ Russian Values

    “The decree states that those who oppose the “destructive neoliberal ideological agenda” in their home country can seek “humanitarian support” from the Russian authorities by applying for a temporary residence permit. People applying for temporary residence status in Russia according to the new “humanitarian” scheme would not need to show proof of Russian language proficiency or knowledge of Russian history and the country’s laws.”

    So, who will be the first to utilise the opportunity?.. Let me guess – nobody. Schweinie-lovers will simply switch to some other excuse as to why they are staying in the “rotten” West and not relocating to “prosperous” Russia. Oh, and the only “traditional value” Russia really has is “if you aren’t stealing you aren’t living”.

    1. alla surfer unDORK fatboi incel
      So the NATO fools effed up again, with their invade Russia strategy. Putin didn’t fall for it, he just kept on with business in the Donbas.

      1. If you want people to think you’re just a good-natured person having fun, you should stick to writing mildly amusing things like ““(my understanding is, your emoting is, you dumb ASS You and Jessica are just a pair of emotional fools, rite Fatso?”.

        When you write posts like the one above, a lot of people will take you for an actual shithead.

        1. I don’t know about shithead but I do struggle with wondering why it is still being allowed to post it’s
          silly comments here.

    2. Would it be any different if China pulled the same trick.
      Just can’t see the reason to get all up-set over this. Putin is just doing what he likes. Doesn’t affect me or most of the world I would guess.

      1. Well, I don’t remember anybody here praising China as a great place to live, but there was someone who kind of gave “it’s not so easy to get the citizenship” as an excuse for not moving to Russia. It was ridiculous even then, as you don’t really need the citizenship to live in a country, but now it’s obviously absurd, so I was wondering what the next excuse of the likes of that person would be.

      2. Of course, of all the world wars only two started in Central Europe, what is the worst that can happen?

    1. Hey, hey, roaddog. I like ‘nanny-banger’ as Emhoff’s pronoun. That oughta stick. Good one.

      1. Emhoff needed both the abortion truck, AND the vasectomy van parked out front of the DNC perfect metaphors for his incompetent manhood.

    1. Everything she knows about politics was learned from J̶o̶e̶ ̶B̶i̶d̶e̶n̶ Willie Brown.


    1. The way I see things as roaddog just unearthed…that IF the Dems with kkaakkeling Kamala win, the next four years may simply be considered ‘King of Kenya’ OBAMA”S fourth Term at the White House!!!

  3. I couldn’t watch much of that, I did however, absorb enough to know that she is a person of acceptance, a follower, not a person of real adventure. But she does have the courage to do a YT video.

    1. How stupid are these people? (It’s a rhetorical question.)
      I get mail from our Liberal MP (unfortunately) and just toss it in the recycling bin.

    2. To paraphrase Whoopi, who said that if you don’t like the Olympics, don’t spend 20 hours writing an email, just turn it off, I would say, if you don’t like the pamphlet, don’t spend 20 hours of your time complaining to a compliant media, just throw the pamphlet into the recycling bin!
      Whoopi is wrong, of course…
      The answer to speech one would find objectionable, is MORE free speech, not censorship. Complain all you want, but don’t deny those who you don’t agree with the right to express their opinions freely, as you feel justified to express yours.

  4. Patrick Bet Davids interview with Bret Weinstein is worth a look, especially if you are interested in the Unity Party. I liked Weinstein’s description of the deep state as the entities linked to the black budget. He also suggested that the deep state has gone to great lengths to break the “checks and balances” function, by weaponizing the presidency. He points out that this explains why Trump has been demonized. He was never supposed to win, it was deemed impossible. He, of course, was not under their thumb.

      1. Why, oh why, are they conducting this rally in DC. I get the symbolic value, but did they learn nothing from the corruption of the legal system, on display January 6th and after?????
        What a golden opportunity to discredit the Resistance.
        I would have held this event, either virtually, or or in multiple cities around the country, preferably in Red states.

  5. Re the “join the resistance rally”
    I wonder if the Covid dissident speakers, Kory and Malone, are going to add Big Food/Ag to BigMedicine(pharma, hospital chains, insurance) cuz they all know the stats for the decline in children’s health, re diabetes, obesity, fatty liver.

      1. I worked with a lot of excessive imbibers, and the more I see of her, the more I wonder if she is on one long bender.

    1. Boeing was paid $4.2 billion to develop Starliner and has failed to achieve objectives on two test flights.

      SpaceX was paid $2.6 billion for its Dragon space system, and has delivered 49 astronauts to the space station.

      If elected, Kamala Harris will undoubtedly nationalize SpaceX, and give it to Boeing to run.
