Freeze Their Bank Accounts

National Post- Industry awaits labour board decision in railway dispute

Teamsters- Member Update – Lockout/Strike Position

As of this writing, at CPKC the TCRC members’ lockout/strike position has not changed and the picket lines remain.

The Food Professor- AAFC projected a Canada-wide crop of 94.4 MMT, with approximately 71 MMT coming from Western Canada to help feed the world. This shutdown is a matter of global food security.

Typically, around 25,000 railcars cross the U.S. border daily. Nothings is moving…

23 Replies to “Freeze Their Bank Accounts”

  1. Come to think of it, idiot fed gov refused to deal with the problem initially. Only comment from Prime Moron was that both sides should understand each other and come to a conclusion. Which is piss-warm nothing-burger. This coming from a gov who ‘continues to work for Canadians’, FFS.

  2. The Liberal ‘government’ has off-loaded its responsibility onto the Canadian Industrial Relations Board. A real government would recall Parliament (what’s with the 3 month holiday you well-payed MPs?) and introduce back to work legislation. And a real opposition (looking at you Mr Singh) would back up its rhetoric by voting non-confidence, triggering an election.

  3. Detain them without bail for 900 plus days! 🙂
    Und zen vee vill ask ze questions!
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  4. President Ronald Reagan simply FIRED and REPLACED Air Traffic Controllers who crippled Air Travel with an illegal Strike action. I’m sure there are a hundred thousand “newcomers” who would love a cushy railway job. Come on Trudeau … give the jobs to all your eager migrants … eh?

  5. Have they filed suit yet so that the SCC can rule that the Unions can hold the companies and Canadians hostage?

  6. All labour law that goes beyond contract law is fascist law. Land was granted or otherwise provided to the rail duopoly to provide rail service for the nation and is now a regulated business much like a utility. By any definition, the rail service is an essential service. Given the quagmire of labour law and related union entitlements, as much as back to work legislation on its own is wrong, in this case is justified and desirable.

  7. Rail strikes don’t happen in the US. They are illegal. America knows the importance of commerce.

  8. Obviously , shutting down the entire rail system has a far less disasterous effect than closing a couple of border crossings. ( sarc on just in case)

  9. The bullies of Canada, the Federal Government, have once again shown its other side.
    The cowardice of Juthtin the Phag and his Liberal Grifters has gone from startling to sickening to legendary.
    Every MP should have their bank accounts frozen a week for every day the trains aren’t rolling.

  10. Are the trains running or not? Pretty sure that one rumbled through Vonda, SK, this morning — that’s CN’s Aberdeen sub. Sounded heavy, too.

  11. How is it that both rail companies are on strike simultaneously?
    How’d that happen? Who set that up?

  12. Only farmers who vote the wrong way get their heads kicked in.. Its a nice thought experiment though.. We PARTIALLY bock one bridge for a few days and get thrown in jail for 3 years.. They shut down the country and…
