28 Replies to “#MeToo is Now Dead”

  1. there ya have it. following a democrat top echelon party tradition.
    begun by fd.r google it. he even betrayed Elanor on his death bed.

    1. LBJ’s ‘johnson’ was affectionately known as Jumbo around the White house. Times have changed….maybe…

      1. he once pulled it out prob a visit to vietnam, in front of the top brass declaring ho chi mihn was never going to whatever

        times have changed. l hope to gawd theres never a clip of Cowmala flashing them

  2. And I repeat …

    Emhoff needed both the abortion truck, AND the vasectomy van parked out front of the DNC perfect metaphors for his incompetent manhood.

    And as I heard on Gutfeld … being a Nanny-banger is simply LAZY. Emhoff didn’t even have the manhood to go cultivate an Affair the old fashioned way by meeting a rando woman in a bar after work … but he bangs his children’s Nanny!! In his own house. What a LAZY schmuck. And a LAZY f_ck

    1. Once you’ve heard Kamala speak, well, its incomprehensible that this was a “trade up.”

      Link below was posted earlier by Reader, and it is hilarious.

      If the American people have to listen to this for four years, there will be a substantial decline in population. Illegals will be streaming back across the border.

  3. Whoa! The Kameltoe is a lot better looking than the nanny. Why the hell did he do it? We know Kamala puts out. Maybe she simply didn’t with her husband because he’s a mega-putz.

  4. Only the latest in a long line of Democrats too stupid to operate birth control.
    – Hunter Biden
    – Arnold Schwarzenegger

    1. Don’t be silly … we simply don’t have enough advertising reminding everyone about “safe sex”. Right? The government needs to spend FAR more money to teach our children … at younger and younger ages!! Oh, yeah … and adults too.

  5. Sometimes he prioritizes his wife’s ambition to run for public office, sometimes he prioritizes his own ambition to screw the nanny. Depends on which wife, I suppose.

          1. He’s cruci-fixated himself. Nailed himself to his unhappy encounters with … “Bible-thumpers”

  6. #MeToo was overrated in the first place.

    Exhibit ‘A’ is Bill Clinton, women will love the guy whether they want to or not.

    1. #MeToo was started to trap Republicans. Because DemocRat women thought that Republicans were even worse than their odious man-children.

      But surprise, Republicans had leaned to keep it in their pants after decades under the media microscope. All #MeToo caught was DemocRat douchbags and Hollywood casting-couch types. Oh, and publishing. Lots of oldboys in publishing fishing in the company secretarial pool, as they say.

      One of the biggest and stupidest self-owns in American political history. ~:D

    2. Paula Jones only got $850,000 from one of Dem’s keynote speakers this week, and libs can’t quit ranting about Stormy Daniels, a professional sex worker.

  7. What is this?.. 1950 what.. I wish my wife made enough money that I could be an alcoholic house husband.. I could fix my hair and put on a little deodorant before she gets home.. How was your day??..

  8. Well if Marx banged his maid, buddy there should be allowed to bang the babysitter. I am also smitten with my wife and supports her ambitions, and to express my security in my manhood, I should also bang the babysitter, to advancce female empowerment. Sounds like a plan. These Dems got it figured out.
