Best Healthcare System In The World

Sun- ‘We are watching the collapse of our system in real time’

It’s now routine for patients to wait 10 to 15 hours for care, a potentially dangerous situation said Katz, who works at St. Boniface Hospital — noting bottlenecks aren’t in emergency departments, but rather in patient outputs.

Good thing there’s a new Sheriff in town.

Average ER wait times have gone up by almost an hour since the NDP took office, said PC Health Critic Kathleen Cook. Despite campaign promises, there still isn’t a concrete plan from the NDP to address staffing shortages, she said.

“We are 10 months in, and really all we’ve had so far is a listening tour,” she said.

27 Replies to “Best Healthcare System In The World”

  1. Lots of head nodding by the officials in power, not a whit of action. Action requires decisions, decisions require consequences and they don’t want the consequences lest they be blamed for a bad outcome and become unelectable, losing their cushy salaries, benefits and pensions.

    The biggest problem in health care is the ratio between administrative staff and patients. A friend of mine left the health care system as a practitioner about 20 years ago. At that time, it was 2 (TWO) administrators for every patient. That ratio has increased and the situation has worsened. The goal at that time was 100% administrators and staff and no patients. In other words, the system would be absolutely perfect if there were no patients (a direct quotation).

    1. Similar to Australia. I wonder why they don’t just employ more front line staff instead. Seems strange to me as the admin staff don’t come cheap.

  2. “I would make the argument that there are certainly people who have had negative outcomes because of their wait time,” he said. “I’m not throwing anyone under the bus here. This is decades of management decisions.”
    Opposition politicians love to make hay out of these situation, ignoring the fact it was just as bad when they were in government.

    Until we allow private health care, this bullshit will continue in every Province in Canada.

    1. the “opposition” is doing everything to prevent any expansion of private health care, going as far as trying to block MRI clinics and specialized surgical clinics like Shouldice (which only continues to exist because it existed in the time before)

      1. And so are the unions. The unions consider the public healthcare industry its exclusive turf. It will do whatever it takes to stop anyone and anything from encroaching.

      2. “the “opposition” is doing everything to prevent any expansion of private health care, going as far as trying to block MRI clinics and specialized surgical clinics like Shouldice (which only continues to exist because it existed in the time before)”

        Yup. It is somehow lost on them that every single one of these European nations with health care systems ranked *best in the world* uses a mix of public and private delivery in their system. Every one.

        As of twenty years ago or so Canada, on the other hand, proudly allied herself with Cuba and Belarus (if I remember correctly) in standing steadfastly against any private delivery of health care…at least officially. Not sure who else stands with us now.

  3. This is the time for AB / Sask. to advertise the nursing pay structure in Manitoba in order to lure them west, where they’ll be more free, and compensated better for it, while facing less crime to deal with.

    Tell them why you’re leaving as well. Take an ad out on the local social media rants sections so there’s no misunderstanding as to why you’ve left. Only 3-4 more years to go if you change your minds for the next provincial vote Manitoba!

  4. The awful P word – privatization – is the only answer, but the idiotic Canada Health Act forbids it, and no politician is brave enough to suggest it. So the pandering will continue.

    1. “The awful P word – privatization – is the only answer, but the idiotic Canada Health Act forbids it, ”

      Yes. A company can buy or lease an MRI machine and provide scans just as accurate but faster and *cheaper* than the public system, but they just won’t allow it. They ignore the irony of the WCB doing after-hours scans using hospital equipment, too.

      Unions may have had their uses, but not so much anymore…not when they stand against progress and efficiency.

  5. Agree Sooke ….not one Conservative leader has ever had the guts to even broach the subject lest they be tarred and feathered by the bought and paid for media . This has gone on for years and the public has suffered for it . The left are more focused on killing full term babies and using Maid to cull the herd.

    1. “Agree Sooke ….not one Conservative leader has ever had the guts to even broach the subject lest they be tarred and feathered by the bought and paid for media . ”

      Likewise for abortion law in Canada….we simply HAVE NONE. And no one has the guts to even discuss it.

      The rest of the civilized world must look at us like we are barbarians.

  6. In NB about 25% of people have no family doctor, so if there’s any kind of problem the only choice for treatment is to go to hospital emergency. Plus there’s a lot of recent migrants adding to the burden.

  7. No problem. Just import more 3rd world Doctors who got their MD’s from some Island off Sri Lanka. So what if they accidentally MAID their patients? At least they will have made it through the queue…

    1. I have tried to mention the quality of education in third world countries in conversations with my MP and former MP, and they look at the floor and change the subject. I suppose an MD from Swaziland has as good an education as one from Harvard or Johns Hopkins, racist to suggest otherwise..
      Canada will undoubtedly flood this country with medical people whose training is of questionable quality, and half of them will use Canada as a stepping stone to working in the USA where the pay is way higher.

  8. Politicians and Not Sees,always the last to know.
    “We are watching the collapse of our system in real time”.
    Wrong,it collapsed 3 years ago.
    Now we get to enjoy playing with the corpse.
    All that is left is the lie and the stealing.
    What is the difference,between an infinitely delayed service and service denied?
    Other than the cowardly lying of the delay makers.?
    Nothing says “Utter systemic failure ” like Government Sanctioned “MAID”.

    1. One thing about MAiD, a hear the wait time is days. That’s the only health care service in Canada you can say that about.

  9. Overloading the system with an extra 100,000 new “citizens” per month is the death knell for our healthcare house of cards.
    There are no readily employable healthcare professionals in the Liebrano vote harvest import deluge.
    Da Turd is salting the electoral earth.
    Sucks to be a Canuck.

    1. Wishing for the painful demise of old people certifies your inhumanity. It must be a living HELL for you to live with such HATE and resentment of a generation that has more money than you will never inherit.

      It’s people like you who make me consider leaving all my assets to the local cat hospital.

      1. I must look like evil incarnate to such people. Very old yet still healthy. I haven’t felt the penetrating glares yet but hey, you never know.

    2. Wow, I didn’t think many people who posted here actually believed the Trudeau government blame games. What’s next? It’s all the fault of the Jews?

  10. Maybe it’s just my region….but every time I go to the Emergency Room…it is filled with people wearing Hijabs, African robes, and the average age is around 65 to 80 years old apparently.

    This is what “Family reunification” looks like….when the people who came here illegally in the first place…are also allowed to bring over the old folks of the clan who have never paid a dime in taxes.

    But then again……most of the doctors I see, are from India or China. So at least we get something back.

  11. The problem is very simple in it’s source. We were already understaffed when COVID hit. I don’t have statistics for the rest of Canada but in Manitoba 30% of health care workers refused the jab and took early retirement or just plain quit. It has been impossible to replace them. Of the 70% who stayed a percentage are now struggling with “long covid” or other illnesses linked to the mRNA jab.

    Meanwhile excess deaths from heart attacks, strokes, neurological issues like dementia or POTS caused fall injuries, unspecified disability and sky rocketing rates of cancers in younger age groups are further straining an already strained system. But the government won’t release those statistics because if they did, Canadians would likely start forming up lynching parties for the people who did the jab mandates and the 24/7 jab hype. They also can’t stop telling us everyone 6 months and up needs a jab once a year in case we figure out what they did to us.
