Don’t Let Them See The Stubble

When not suing women who would rather not participate in his fantasies of sudden-onset womanhood, Mr Tickle spends his time sharing Instagram photographs of his underwear and neck hair, and cartoon sex toys.

As ladies do.

10 Replies to “Don’t Let Them See The Stubble”

  1. Does anyone want to read this? No.

    This website is known for quality postings.

    1. “Eye bleach needed, stat.”

      Too late for me…I already gouged mine out with a spoon… 🙂

  2. I’m disappointed that Amnesty International would post a photo of a semi attractive (appears to be actual woman) as the woman attached to the news from Oz. When the actual “dresses like a woman” who would be named “Roxy Tickle” with all the connotations that normally draws some (not me, not ever) into strip joints near the commercial zones, doesn’t look at all appealing to any normal person.

    Should someone notify the “false news people” at the gov’t or at BBC “News” ?

  3. Amnesty International was a leftist sham from the get-go. It only circled the wagons around the worst of degenerates. Legitimate cases in dictatorships only received lip sevice.
