5 Replies to “Nicole Shanahan Interviewed by Adam Carolla”

  1. Good interview and they are still blinded to the idea that to pass from socialism to communism requires the obliteration of the socialist state and this entails, as history demonstrates, large swathes of violence and death. They both hope and believe that all of these disagreements can be solved amicably when the other side has declared war. “Peace in our time” comes to mind. Their opponents are implacable.

  2. I watched this all, and though I thought initially like many others that RFK had made an error in choosing Nicole,
    I think differently now. She’s shown who she is, maybe pushed or helped along by her eyeopening during their campaign and acknowledging what the Democrats have and are doing to anyone who dissents.

    Further to that “what Democrats are doing” and how small and vindictive a man Joe Biden is…


    I haven’t found any announcement from the White House on this change yet, but wouldn’t be surprised from anything from the small and vindictive man known as Biden.

  3. It’s a pretty eye opening conversation. It exposes just how malignant, petty, vindictive, and sneaky Dems are. Even if they disagreed with RFK, there was no justification for how he was treated by the sleazy party hierarchy. Given how highly placed they were, the Kennedy and Shanahan story is pretty impactful for those who didn’t realize that something really sinister took over the Dems.
    I was really taken back by the churlishness of the Kennedy family. Nothing to aspire to there.

  4. Thanks, Robert. Shanahan impresses me more each time I hear her. Partly it’s that she has reached escape velocity in relation to the Democrat party. She has respect for people (can’t imagine her talking about “deplorables”). She respects physical labour. She’s not afraid of CO2. She is afraid of people that wilfully endanger food security and that are totalitarian monsters in their nature.

    She’s unflinching in her criticism of how Trump handled covid, or handed control to Fauci, Collins and the medical industrial complex.
    Trump needs RFK. RFK sees that Trump is the only hope of fixing children’s health.
