25 Replies to “Queers For Palestine!”

  1. Yah Ya Sin War.
    Can it possibly get more punny than that?!
    Also, drop the seventh veil, you cowardly goat heads.
    Have a nice day.

  2. This feels more like a psychological warfare Op than anything else. Israel Intelligence (or the military) is NOT going to go public with such information if it hinders their search. Not to mention that directly in the saheeh report, the Prophet states, “May Allah curse women who imitate men and men who imitate women.”

    This sounds more like an effort to initiate turmoil in the upper ranks of Hamas between themselves.

    1. That sounds like an extremely good assessment.

      We’ll only find out once he is terminated.

    2. an outfit that so wrecklessly commited war crimes knowing that everything after, that did happen, would happen. and proceeded anyway. not a stretch once things reach a certain point they start to turn on each other in that final grab for arafat level power.

    3. “Not to mention that directly in the saheeh report, the Prophet states, “May Allah curse women who imitate men and men who imitate women.”

      Clearly, cursing isn’t what it used to be.

    4. OTOH … it’s not bad enough that Hamas hides behind women and children in schools and in hospitals … but now they “become” a woman? Reminds me of all the 24yo High School age “unaccompanied minors” that Kamelala welcomed across our non-existent borders.

  3. aha!!! so THATS why the full face burka.
    half of them are men.
    what a gawdawful screwed up relijun

  4. Sinbad knows he’s got a target on his back and he’s going to be crossing the river Styx shortly.

    He tried to get a pass in the latest ‘peace’ negotiations suggesting that if peace were possible the Israelis lay off him. Ha

  5. Yahya is domesticated fowl feces. His millions, stole from the people he is alleged to serve.

    Human garbage of no redeeming value.

  6. “Queers For Palestine!” is proof how strong the media anti-gop psyop has been. They have convinced the left that the right is so evil that ANYTHING they support must be evil. Even when the evidence tells them otherwise.

    1. For certain. Early on, with this insane influx of immigrants, we heard at least some. Now almost nothing.

      We have been betrayed.

  7. “If we do not finish him off and destroy the remnants of the Hamas armed terrorists, Sinwar will have his victory – which is dangerous for us and the world.”

    No kidding. WW2 was not truly over until the worst of the high level Nazis had been executed or sentenced to very long prison terms. The hunt for the worst of the Nazis and their henchmen was still going on in the 1960s. Perhaps the last and worst of them was Adolf Eichmann hanged in 1962.

    It’s never over until the worst of them are executed.

    1. cghCOLON
      WW2 will be over when the last of the participants are dealt with, the vatican helped war criminal escape, so when the vatican is destroyed it will be over. Also the RCC threw out Jews who sought refuge in the “church”. So what I am saying is the holocaust was a religious driven event .

      1. Everything has to tie into the “katholik church,” right, GYM? I’d figure you’d roll in on this. Thought you’d chime in with your bigoted rhetoric a little earlier though. What kept you?
        You have a lot to learn about the history of the Church during WWII. For example, Pope Pius XII didn’t throw out the Jews seeking refuge. He brought them in and harbored them in Catholic churches.
        The debate rages on about Pius’ papacy. Some say that Pius ignored the plight of the Jews. Others say he remained silent so that he can continue harboring them, but in no way did anyone claim that he “kicked the Jews out.” In fact, Pius XII is credited for saving thousands if not tens of thousands of Jewish lives, so learn your history, because you’re obviously ignorant when it comes to the history of the Catholic Church.



        And despite your deepest wishes for it to be true, destroying the Vatican will not eliminate the threat of communism. What we have to do is convince our commie pope to retire, like his predecessor, but unfortunately, he has too much support from the cardinals. The reality is that despite it’s leadership, the church (and when I am referring to the church, I am referring to the _laity_ — you probably don’t know what that word means, so I’m going to suggest that you look it up) is one of the few organizations (for lack of a better term) that is standing up against communism.

        You’re one piece of work, GYM. You’d be far better off if you learned the facts before you continue spouting off with your bigotry against the church, and that’s exactly what you are… a BIGOT!!!

    1. He’s not illiterate. He knows perfectly well that he’s lying. Lying makes him feel important.
