13 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Thank you Dr. Clifton,
    A good article summarizing many facts in the Kamloops Band shemozzle, which set off a fake wildfire.

    I would love to see a list of faculty at those schools and community members who also were buried in those cemeteries. Roman Catholics often have the best BMD records.

    The churches are likely too frightened and woke to speak up.

  2. Who knew wife beating, rape, jizya, enslavement and murdering unbelievers – just to name a few – were moral acts?

  3. “Breonna Taylor’s death was caused by her boyfriend shooting at police officers.”

    That would be police officers who lied to obtain a warrant, who were wearing plain clothes, apparently without body cameras, and likely did not identify themselves as police. An early post shooting photo shows a cop with a body camera while later photos show him with only a body camera mount. The Thin Blue Mafia.

  4. of all the chuches lve ever stepped inside attended or joined, FIVE treated me like dirt, an ‘outsider’; nelson united burlington, chuch at westmount, wortley baptist and open door london and the big one qew and 403.

    3 of them no longer exist, one had a leadership crisis, Who can do that?

    havent stepped inside one 3 years this month, that one REFUSED to give me permission to give my testimony and interrupted me incessantly.

    if they stand or burn means nothing to me infested with ‘caring’ hypocrites

  5. Kamala la la….

    Utterly Vacuous & most assuredly Vicious
    I’d not be at all surprised to see her undergo Cabal Mandated Neural Receivership…real soon.
    When’s the Debate…?
