8 Replies to “The DNC’s Sinister Rebrand of “Freedom””

  1. Remember in 2020, when DeSantis was denying the freedom of educators to f0rce masks on all the kids and staff?
    They want the “freedom” to take all our stuff and throw us into concentration camps or kill us.

    1. Yea…..I and 8 million other Canadians CLEARLY remember Trudeaus version of “Freedom & Democracy”.

      Bank accounts Quashed – Horse Trampling’s – Trudeau Requesting Leopard Tanks in the streets
      “Racist misogynists that don’t believe in his “Science” who Shall NOT Be tolerated.”
      Inviting a Waffen SS PIG into the HOC

      Words & Actions that could’ve been spoken/done by Heinrich Himmler himself.
      I have a copy (somewhere), of their RFQ for internment Kampfs.

      12+ 100% TRAITORS in his Cabinet & Caucus

      WE have & continue to have since 2015: PURE NAZI PIGS in power….to this day.
      The Entire lot deserving of a Mussolini Ending….

      That I should live to see THAT GLORIOUS day..

  2. (The WSJ had an editorial along the same lines.)
    Said some backroom strategist (like a Kinsella), “I know what we’re going to do, we’re going to rebrand freedom.”
    And they know it’ll work because with all too many voters, Ignorance is Strength.

    Some of us don’t want the government to Do Something, but Undo Some things, all kinds of things.
    The only thing government is good at, is More Government.

    1. Buddy,agreed, Government is good at creating More Government bu the problem is Government is extremely bad at “governing”.

    2. Agreed Buddy.

      All it takes is one good look at our beyond Bloated Fed Govt CUPE hires…?
      At least half of which is at home doing laundry, lookin after their kids, grocery shopping etc.
      ….at an Avg of 100K per.

  3. Orwell wrote it as a warning to people he assumed were sufficiently educated to understand and thus be armed against it. The left has called Orwell’s bluff, confident that public education and the culture that they long ago captured has done its job of intellectual castration of the masses. The “progressive” notion of group and positive rights which only exist as an infringement of natural rights of individuals is the basis for this road to serfdom.

    “It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights – the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery – hay and a barn for human cattle.” – P.J. O’Rourke

  4. All Hail The State of Thuggery.
    When the individual has no rights and the group claims them all,like our Human Rights Tribunals,savagery will erupt.
    Human Nature has not changed.
    The parasitic overload believes they can loot and steal with impunity,forever.

  5. Free stuff is freedom!

    Yup, that works.

    The fat lazy herd will be motivated just enough to get off their asses and vote for these nasty clowns, they won’t care about any other policy and are too stupid to see where this is going.
