Today In Totally Unrelated Events

ZeroHedge- Giga-Vaxxed Fauci Somehow Contracts Ultra-Rare West Nile Virus On Heels Of COVID-19 Infection

According to the report, Fauci has no idea how he got West Nile – a mosquito-borne illness that can cause fever, body aches, diarrhea and rash – and for which there is no vaccine or treatment.

Amazingly, there have been just 216 human cases of West Nile reported across 33 states so far this year, according to the CDC. Last year, 1,800 people were sent to the hospital with West Nile, which killed 182 people.

Earlier this month, the 83-year-old revealed that he caught COVID for a third time despite having been “vaccinated and boosted six times.”

28 Replies to “Today In Totally Unrelated Events”

    1. Could that mean there is no cure for liberalism or no cure for TDS or no cure for leftism?

  1. His moment in the sun is over.. I hope he lives a long time.. Covered in open painful sores..

  2. If he takes his next jabbity-jab in one of those veins under his tongue then the jab mix will get to work just that much quicker straight into his brainbag or whatever’s left of it.

  3. This is the perfect example of me feeling “schadenfreude”.

    Suffer, Tony, suffer.

  4. Just thinking out loud here … but maybe the vaccinations / boosters reduce your immunity to other diseases.

  5. To be fair – bug repellant sometimes has the opposite effect on the people it’s meant to protect.

  6. I think, none of the political, big pharma, globalist parasites, got the clot shot, in any shape or form. All theater for the useless eaters that will soon be consumed by the jab, and covered up then elites, labeling it as MPOX.

  7. Fauxci and Biden … multiple, repeat, victims of COVID and all its variants. I guess those two are just … unlucky. Or something else.

  8. Should have received the exact same treatment everyone was given early 2020. No prophylactics, intubation and no family visitors.

  9. Earlier this month, the 83-year-old revealed that he caught COVID for a third time despite having been because he was “vaccinated and boosted six times.”
