We’re Number Two

Visual Capitalist- Visualizing How the G20 Generates Electricity

The global average for renewable electricity is 30%, but nearly half of the G20 countries fall below this average.

Brazil leads the G20 in renewable electricity, with 89% of its power generated from renewables in 2023. The country’s high share of renewables is due to its robust hydroelectric base and rapid expansion of solar and wind energy.

Canada, in second place, generates 66% of its electricity from renewables, primarily hydropower.

29 Replies to “We’re Number Two”

    1. They want to tear down Hetch Hetchy Dam, reservoir, and hydro power. Why? To restore the Hetch Hetchy Valley to the spectacular canyon John Muir called it … rivaling Yosemite Valley.

      I’m all for it! As it provides all of San Francisco’s water, and some of its power. Cut em off. Mayor London Breed will start some “pop-up” renewable rain collection centers and windmills. Oh! And she’ll ration power and water.

      1. Well, in fairness, it probably should be replaced with a dam that can be referred to without sneezing.

    2. ..and every nuclear reactor, calling them ‘fossil’ despite Uranium has nothing to do with fossils.

  1. “The gang greens opposed every hydro dam on the planet.”

    Yes they did, and they still do. Ironic, since hydroelectricity CANNOT BE BEATEN for the clean, green *mass* production of electricity.

    (and please spare me the “decomposing trees emitting GHGs”excuse; log them off first if that bothers you…)

    1. Fred
      Hydro electric causes GHG’s to be separated from the water as it goes through the turbines that run the generators , and that is why Niagara on the lake has a milder climate then surrounding areas. And I ain’t against hydro electricity, just correcting the record .

      1. You really think that is the reason and not the fact that it is on the leeward side of the Niagara Escarpment and locates where the Niagara River meets Lake Ontario. First time I’ve heard your theory. Every place below the Escarpment has milder weather than those place one mile above the brow of the Escarpment.

    2. But, but, but … the wild rivers!? Ohhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaa … where will we whitewater raft?

    3. I don’t know what part of B.C. you’re from,Fred, but you may remember when WAC Bennett built the Williston Dam up by MacKenzie. I worked with a couple of fallers who helped log the area before they flooded it.
      The guys said they didn’t have quite enough time to haul all the logs out before they flooded the valley so they were left laying on the ground. The fallers were still paid by the tree so they did very well just banging them over. Locals said for years afterward fishermen would be startled by a tree popping up to the surface. I never heard of any injuries or fatalities from surfacing trees.
      The fallers said it was one of the best money making jobs they ever had, and I’m sure the logging companies and mills made their profits as well.
      I also knew a fellow in the early 70’s Vancouver area who was a professional scuba diver. His main source of income was diving in Burrard Inlet for logs that had sunk from booms while waiting to be shipped to the mills. He said it wasn’t fun work, pitch black and he had to feel his way around to put a choker cable around the logs, then they’d haul ’em to the surface. Some of the logs were down there for months. If I remember correctly,they paid him $80 an hour, which was big money in those days. The logs were still usable even after all that time in the salt water.

      I don’t think we have to worry about logs rotting and giving off gases which destroy The Planet.

      1. “I don’t know what part of B.C. you’re from,Fred, but you may remember when WAC Bennett built the Williston Dam up by MacKenzie. I worked with a couple of fallers who helped log the area before they flooded it.”

        Vancouver, Don…and I’ve heard the stories of the surfacing trees. Also canoed Stave Lake couple of times, which is a lot of fun when a huge stump is suddenly two inches under your canoe (a bit hard on paddles).

        “I don’t think we have to worry about logs rotting and giving off gases which destroy The Planet.”

        Probably not, since some of them have now changed their story to “it’s the first 10 cm of the lake bottom that gives off most of the GHGs”….meaning that that *all* lakes (and rivers) are now sources of GHG, which kinda screws up the “human caused” narrative they’ve been pushing for decades now.

  2. Where’s nuclear?

    It seems to be considered “non-renewable”, but it’s quite distinct from fossil fuels and deserves a category of its own.

    1. It can be renewable, but you have to have a specific kind of reactor and Candu’s aren’t it.

      It would never be counted as renewable, since it represents the ability to produce large amounts of power, and the greens don’t want that

      1. With careful planning it is. Fast Breeder reactos and other technologies can do the job.

    2. If you look at “non-emitting” sources rather than the “renewable” canard, Canada is at 85% thanks to the inclusion of nuclear power. Yet, “climate” is the number one distraction, oops I mean priority for the Spawn’s regime.

    3. KM, classifying nuclear as ‘non-renewable’ simply shows that this chart is complete BS. Naturally this piece of complete shite fails to provide any reference as to where its data came from. It pretends that the proportion of renewable energy is the only basis on which a country can be considered an advanced technology nation.

  3. The largest country in the world is that low on hydro? Yeah, revolutions and world wars, but still?

  4. Why are we outsourcing our manufacturing to Mexico if 80% of their power is non-renewable? Oh. Cheap labor.

    1. We shut down our clean energy manufacturing and ship it to China which relies on coal. It goes to show it’s all BS. Nobody cares about CO2. They just care about giving orders in a fascist dictatorship.

      1. scar, you’ve hit on one of my favourite themes.

        Goods that were made with relatively clean energy in Ontario are now manufactured in China with coal powered electricity. They are than shipped half way around the world on diesel powred ships.

        Yet our government brags about having reduced local emissions and our criminally negligent press cheers on.

      2. It’s a cunnning plan to have China invest in all that ridiculous “renewables” generating manufacture and then we don’t buy it because people finally realise what a lie and scam it all is.

  5. We were #2 before we spent a trillion dollars. Hydro electric power was in place decades ago.

    It’s not abundantly clear if the graph represents potential capacity or actual results, it looks like results, but trust the media promoters? Nope.

  6. Would someone explain how we know fossil fuels aren’t being made anymore,
    and or if we have looked everywhere for it??

    1. As there are whole planets and moons of methane, I suspect a lot of that on Earth to be astronomical in origin, Just a suspicion, though, particularly the deep ocen stuff.

  7. Question. Just how does one build electrical generating equipment without using coal, oil and gas? How do you do that? I don’t care what you drive a generator with you first have to build it and without those items I mentioned, you are not building a damn thing. No pun intended.
