15 Replies to “(And That NYPost Laptop Story, Too)”

  1. “It’s since been made clear” (towards the bottom of page 1 and regarding Russian Disinformation)

    Shouldn’t that be, “we regret the 3 lettered American agencies lying on all fronts during the election”

    Laptop! What laptop? The FBI doesn’t know where it’s gotten to!

  2. Probably a pretext for not working with the feds when the Trump admin goes after Jihadists and Antifa.

  3. So Zuck must think that the round heeled one is going to lose to Trump or he would never say what he just did. His complicity with the Agencies are how he became rich and famous so…….

  4. It is the way the so called ‘Democrats’ conduct the business of misinformation.

    They deceive, misinform, lie and pretend with full appreciations what it is they are doing.
    Of course they know that the mass media cartel will cover for them.
    Anyway, they do all those things actually knowing they will have to account for it at a later date.
    See, the LIVs only know what the media cartel let them know, for those, the circumstances are set and they will never question it.
    By the time the ‘Democrats’, the media cartel and the oligarchs change the story and admit the lies, the LIVs are not interested.
    Works every time.
    Only those that are interested in the affairs of men notice the lies, though of them there are very few in the big scheme of things.

  5. Zuck is lying.
    How he spends his wealth,to influence political outcomes tells all.
    Probably commenters above are right,the internal polls show no path for the Demonrats and the public ain’t buying enough of Saint Kamala to cover the steal.
    So the slimey one is attempting a little CYA.
    Now it could be that Meta has seen the error of their ways…
    Right.;”Do no evil”.

    Cause this time Zuck is under scrutiny,makes all that lying,censoring and covering the fraud up…so much riskier.

  6. The New York Post HB laptop story was in 2020. He’s been lying for 4 years according to him.

    1. Come on now … Zuck said that time, hindsight, and “new information” … has transformed him.

      My working theory is that Silicon Valley are finally awakening to the fact that the Communist Democrat Party is coming for THEM … not just the “bad MAGA extreme right”. Nope. Elon has revealed that the Democrat Deep State are coming for ALL that Silicon Valley wealth. First Elon, and now RFK Jr. and Nicole Shanahan have painted a very clear picture for the wealthiest, most powerful elites … that they will NOT be spared in the coming Communist purge of America. Zuck has finally stopped kite surfing behind his yacht to acknowledge the Democrats are coming for him. Coming for every cent and every asset he owns. After all … as Obama quipped … how much does one man need?

      The Silicon Valley Leftists got into bed with snakes … and they’re gonna get bitten. Foolish, foolish, folks. They best hope it’s not too late to save themselves.

        1. The ice axe to Trotsky’s head method should be the preferred ending for all communists. Or maybe the Pinochet helicopter ride tactic. First some quality time in Siberia though.

          1. The old communist campaign slogan: “A chicken in every pot! And an ice axe in every Trot!”

  7. We’re just in Phase 3 of The Narrative:

    Phase 1: what you believe is a conspiracy theory
    Phase 2: oh, that was debunked by phase 1 long ago
    Phase 3: of course it’s true, but so what? That was long ago. Things are different now.

    1. Phase 4…yup, trying to get on the right side of history and hoping you don’t notice the shift in any way that might come back on me.
      Oh, and remember!! I said Trump was bad ass after the attempted whatever,,,etc.
      Fuck Zuck and all the rest of those tainted elitist pigs.
      I am a citizen who is sick and tired of these elitist pigs.
      Leave me alone you enervating, tiresome, elitist losers.
      Get thee to your bomb shelters and swish bunkers, and eat spam until your security team turns on you for the scraps and back pay, or pay back.
      Excuse my ramble, and have a nice day.

  8. So he fingers the Biden Administration and the FBI, no mention of the Trump administration. I’m guessing the FBI played Trump in late 2020 like Fauci played him. So many undermining Trump during his entire administration. COVID was the single largest violation of American’s constitutional rights in the history of the nation. Democrat administration. Democrats should never receive a single vote again, but today’s media – Trump’s going to put in a national ban on abortion and people are stupid.
