Blog Notes: Website Security Fundraiser

We don’t hold many fundraisers here at SDA, thanks to the financial support of regular readers. However, that reader support ebbs and flows and over the summer months, it ebbs especially low. None of this was ever noteworthy in the past, which is why I’ve never noted it.

However, after a major security breach last year due a previously unknown vulnerability in WordPress (that took two weeks and a team of technicians to diagnose and close) it became necessary to upgrade the blog’s security plan. It’s not outrageously expensive, but it’s still a hit on the pocketbook.

So – if it’s been a while, and you’re in the mood to hit the tip jar, we’d appreciate it. (If you’ve donated to the blog over the past couple of months, please consider yourself as already have done so.) Any funds raised over and above what’s required will be shared with our guest bloggers. Etransfer is the best method, but there’s a paypal link on the sidebar as well.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to SDA over the years, with your tips, donations and word of mouth support!

7 Replies to “Blog Notes: Website Security Fundraiser”

  1. Love SDA. Thanks everyone for countless hours of entertainment. One of the last bastions of sanity in this world.

    Gonna try to swing a small donation

  2. I’ll be popping a little something into the ether and thanks Kate (plus her crew, plus the crazies) for all the fun. Can’t just throw a condom over the keyboard like we used to do.
