“Family Day”

Telegraph- Woman fighting for life in hospital after Notting Hill Carnival stabbing

Police have made 90 arrests across the carnival, including for possession of an offensive weapon, assaults on an emergency worker and possession with intent to supply drugs. Arrests have also been made for assault, theft, sexual offences, possession of drugs and robbery. Fifteen officers have also been assaulted, the force said.

The carnival is Europe’s biggest street party and is billed by organisers as “the greatest community-led event on the planet”.

Mike Neville, a retired Scotland Yard detective chief inspector, alleged that officers are hesitant to make arrests for fear of being called racist.

BBC- Mum stabbed at Carnival was with her young child

12 Replies to ““Family Day””

  1. Briefing notes to UK cops: You must not arrest people of a certain racial background associated with a certain religion that must not be criticized who are responsible for most of the violence because we could be accused of racism. Now get out there and arrest those white working class bozos who are upset over our immigration and policing policies.

  2. Fear of being called racist is just a slimy excuse. What they really fear is muslim horde backlash, but won’t admit it.

    1. The police know they’re outnumbered. They always have been, however, we USED to be a civilized culture where personal and civil morality prevented the vast majority of our nations citizens to … behave. Now, not so much. The masses have nothing to live for and nothing to fear. Anarchy is the rule today.

      Friends … arm yourselves, and look out for yourselves. The so called first responders … won’t … respond.

  3. Well, lets just save some time and call them racist anyway, for treating people differently based upon their immutable physical characteristics…

  4. Only one stabbing ? That’s not a diversity festival, that’s just old fashioned multiculturalism.

    1. The official commentary says there was no widespread stabbings. Just an isolated incident. Much like there has never been any widespread vote/ballot fraud. Just insignificant incidents. AG Barr said so!
