How Deep, Señor Maduro?

All is unfolding as prophesized.

One of Venezuela’s top election officials, in a declaration sure to jolt the crisis-weary nation, said in an interview that he had no proof that Venezuela’s authoritarian president won last month’s election.

Since the July 28 vote, governments around the world have expressed skepticism, and even outright disbelief, over President Nicolás Maduro’s claim to victory. But the statement by Juan Carlos Delpino — a member of the government body that announced Mr. Maduro’s win — represents the first major criticism from inside the electoral system.

Speaking on the record to a reporter for the first time since the vote, Mr. Delpino said he “had not received any evidence” that Mr. Maduro actually won a majority of the vote.

Neither the electoral body nor Mr. Maduro has released tallies to support assertions that the president won re-election, while the opposition has published receipts from thousands of voting machines that show its candidate, Edmundo González, won an overwhelming majority.

In declaring Mr. Maduro the winner without evidence, the country’s election body “failed the country,” Mr. Delpino said. “I am ashamed, and I ask the Venezuelan people for forgiveness. Because the entire plan that was woven — to hold elections accepted by all — was not achieved.”

Sean Penn was a man before his time.

14 Replies to “How Deep, Señor Maduro?”

  1. What the link to the Groaniad article shows is that Sean Penn really is as stupid as Jeff Spicoli.

  2. Claiming victory without evidence, that story sounds familiar, also isn’t if funny that the New York Times are all of a sudden worried about stolen elections?

      1. Me thinks Barr is on team Trump, has always been, Kayfabe. One of the original band members.

  3. “Dorothy Kronick conducts a series of exercises that provide hard evidence on the credibility of the voting tallies that prove the opposition win in the presidential elections”

    Daniel at that blog, has followed the situation in Venezuela since about 2002, I think he’s a biologist PhD, and probably lives in France now having gotten out a decade ago when the food supply got real tight for awhile…

  4. The NY Times, “no evidence that Walter Duranty didn’t deserve that Pulitzer Prize in 1931”

    The error is that it was for journalism and not “fiction”

  5. Heroes of Democracy. Maduro should be memorialized on the same monument as Cheney and Kinzinger.
