12 Replies to “Lost In Space”

  1. Hello, I am a time traveller visiting from the 70’s and amazed how your society has adopted Monty Python’s “Search for the Holy Grail” as a documentary and incorporated it as a lifestyle. It was meant to be a comedy folks.
    I know there is intelligent life out in the cosmos as they haven’t tried contacting us yet, was hoping by now things would have changed…

  2. And they wonder why astronaut applications have dropped off a cliff.

    Would you trust them with your life in a space flight?

  3. You want to map racial injustice? Just LOOK at ALL those trees in Appalachia !! We are such a racist nation that even the dirt-poor-whites enjoy forested bliss. Ohhhhhhhhhh Kamelala … you’re soooooooo right.

  4. Kind of puts the “Kaibosh” on interplanetary travel, eh!
    Seems the Whitehouse in conjunction with Boeing can only get some people a few miles off the ground but must rely on the private industry to bring ’em back.

  5. “If all the trees are considered slaves, black walnut brings you the highest dollar because you’re a raciss.”
    Space Cadet Commander

  6. Space travel?!
    We’d all still be living in caves, bamboo huts or animal skin teepees if it wasn’t for Honky and the Boys.
