Margin Of Fraud (Updated)

The Texan;

Manuel Medina, chief of staff for state Rep. Liz Campos (D-San Antonio) and well-known Bexar County political operative, was served with a search warrant as part of an ongoing voter fraud investigation by the state.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to The Texan that Medina was served the warrant this week. One stated that Medina has retained counsel.

Cecilia Castellano, Democratic nominee for House District (HD) 80, told the Houston Chronicle that her house was raided this week by agents — though they did not tell her the purpose. Medina was Castellano’s campaign manager during her recent primary race.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) announced this week that it executed search warrants in three Texas counties — Atascosa, Bexar, and Frio — related to an ongoing election fraud investigation. The warrants were served on August 20 and stem from a 2022 referral by 81st District Attorney Audrey Louis. It’s been investigated ever since by the OAG’s Election Integrity Unit.

“We were glad to assist when the District Attorney referred this case to my office for investigation,” Paxton said in the announcement. “We are completely committed to protecting the security of the ballot box and the integrity of every legal vote. This means ensuring accountability for anyone committing election crimes.”

Though no charges have been filed, Medina is being investigated in connection with an alleged ballot harvesting scheme.’

He seemed like quite the mover and shaker.

Updated @DC_Draino;

Texas announces 6,500+ illegal aliens caught registering to vote and nearly 2,000 caught voting

They’ve all been referred to the AG for criminal prosecution

More: RNC sues Detroit after learning the city allegedly hired 7 times more Democrats than Republicans as poll workers for this election.”

11 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud (Updated)”

  1. (drip…drip…drip…)

    Gratifying to see more and more of these revelations coming to light, especially when the MSM is desperately still pushing the “ridiculous false claims of election fraud” mantra. Someone should tell Bill Mahr and Kaitlin Collins.

  2. “His supporters are cueing up for food and beer after spending the day getting out the vote”

    Vote for me and then I’ll feed and water you…

  3. Anyone convicted of participating to any degree in voter fraud should be incarcerated for a long, long time. This will certainly deter future shenanigans. This includes witnessing voter fraud in progress and not speaking up.

    1. I wonder when people will be charged under 8 USC 1324? It carries a five to ten year sentence for aiding and abetting an illegal in America. There are thousands of “Americans” who should be in prison, from politicians to employers, to clergy.

      1. Sometime between “when hell freezes over” and “never” I’d wager.

        I think we’re clearly on a path to a Harris “landslide” where she gets 99-bazillion votes and is lauded as the most popular POTUS in history, blah blah blah, and don’t actually go look at the voter rolls you sexist racist pig!

        The American republic has been mortally wounded since the Obama years, but Harris in the WH will eliminate what little hope of recovery may have remained.

    2. ““to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.””

      That’s easy when you fight tooth and nail to prevent any real investigations from happening. The Democrats alone spent *millions* to have Mark Elias and his law firm oppose audits and recounts in certain states.

      (because that’s what innocent parties do, right…oppose anything that might prove their innocence?)
