19 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

    1. HAHAHA.

      Using CNN as a truthful news-source.

      Just how low can you go Matt.

      Remember when they spoke of breaking news (every day) on Russia, Russia, Russia.
      Then had to eat their words.

      1. This cannot possibly be true.

        You are being mentally and morally lazy, just as your would-be masters want you to be.

        1. They be muzzies Matty and all must be sent to Allah (piss be upon him).
          Perhaps your efforts of producing your daily screeds may be put to better use on a different social media platform.

        2. Quick question mattie, ”when you put a baby in an oven do you preheat it or start the oven cold?
          Just askin’

      2. “Except there are no innocents in Gaza.”

        Just the babies and toddlers, would be my guess.

        As soon as they are old enough to walk and talk, Gazan children are taught to HATE Jews. Their children’s shows do it, then later their school textbooks and first-grade plays reinf0rce that irrational hatred. 80% of Gazans still support Hamas, and certainly there were no ‘innocents’ among those who followed Hamas into Israel last year on October 7th to rape, kill and desecrate bodies (not to mention stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down).

    2. So when will you tell that to your muslim heroes that started this crap and most certainly will again.

      I have lost all respect for you matt, as in door mat.

      ~~All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.~~

      Not you, you keep cheering for the people that would slit your throat and your baby girl’s and claim some moron hero status. How have you survived this long.?. It’s a miracle.

  1. A muslim death cult moron oenly and willfully breaking the law in many cities but they arrest Tommy Robinson.

    What now?.

    1. Matt I’m sick of Muslims killing little girls and knifing females! Every one of these Bastards should be put to death! All people with Muslim backgrounds should be sent back to their country of origin! They have been brought into our democracy to provide votes for our Far Left governments ! This bullshit must stop!

    2. Pelham
      “Bill Gates asked the Danish government to support DTP vaccination of 161 million African children…

      Gates claimed it was saving 30 million lives, so the Danish government asked for the data, of which Gates had none…

      So they went to Africa and looked at 30 years of DTP data. What they found was “SHOCKING”…

      Girls injected with the DTP vaccine were dying at 10 times the rate of those who weren’t vaccinated”


    3. “All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.”

      Then tell your Hamas heroes to stop hiding behind those “innocents”, and the killing *will* stop. Just like magic.

  2. UK Notting Hill diversity festival — If you don’t like all the crime, then leave. Two-tier policing at its best.
    Residents boarding up their houses before ‘millions’ descend on Notting Hill Carnival have been told to ‘enjoy a seaside break’ by the council if they don’t like the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the event.


  3. Anarcho-tyranny.
    Sounds like Tampon Tim’s kind of state.
    Let BLM freaks burn loot and murder OR
    Sick the police on people standing in their doorways, minding their own business.
    Juthtin’s a poseur compared to Starmer and Walz.
    And I’m pretty sure Kackles will elevate it another notch and then some once she’s anointed.
