6 Replies to “The Dangerous World Of Joe Biden”

  1. Well if they don’t see an opportunity in the next couple of months, they’ll have another four years if Kamala wins.

  2. ““We’ve pushed Russia into a disastrous alliance with China and Iran,” Kennedy continued. “We’re closer to the brink of nuclear exchange than at any time since 1962, and the neocons in the White House don’t seem to care at all. Our moral authority and our economy are in shambles, and the war gave rise to the emergence of BRICS, which now threaten to replace the dollar as a world reserve currency.”

    “President Trump says that he will reopen negotiations with President Putin and end the war overnight. This alone would justify my support for his campaign.””


  3. Hanson says: “Joe Biden has been judged by the American people in the polls as too enfeebled to be reelected and declared by his own party to be too cognitively challenged to remain its nominee.”

    That was already starkly apparent during the 2020 election campaign, but most Americans watch the TV, which told them that Biden was smart and wise. Now they’re believing that Harris is smart and wise. As with Canada, the media deserve nothing but relegation to obscurity for their lies, and the people deserve the governments they elect since they are so gullible and uncritical. The evidence is all around them, yet they will keep believing the lies. A society built on lies cannot stand.

  4. Sadly VDH has failed to grasp the reality that the US is the bad guy on the world stage and is now a pariah state. It will soon learn its fate when the world reserve currency scam is declared null and void and each nation trades in its own currency based on gold.
