28 Replies to “The Winds of Change”

  1. Trudeau will be even more difficult to remove than Biden, as Trudeau has far more power in this country than Biden has/had in his.
    And the Liberals don’t have a Kamala Harris waiting in the wings. Imagine Chrystia Freeland conducting a campaign based on “joy”!
    I wouldn’t know whether to laugh or gag.
    Justin to lead in ’25. And hopefully to LOSE in ’25.

        1. Lol.
          “The name Bronfman (Yiddish בראָנפמאַן bronfman) comes from Yiddish בראָנפֿן bronfn, ‘liquor, whisky/whiskey, spirits’, which is cognate with German Branntwein.”

          Ahh Seagrams…

    1. You ignore that the” joy” Kamala is not much more that a media fantasy — a totally artificial media construct that didn’t exist until ten minutes ago.

  2. Taking a page from the Kamala presidential campaign: We’re the only ones that can fix the problems we created.

  3. If the Laurentian Elite anoint Carney as his replacement, the media will go all out deifying the globalist, green, bankster as the second coming of Christ. Better to leave the Spawn in place to remind everyone of why they should vote.

    1. If Carney is annointed by the Laurentian Elite, I trust he will be given a good lube-job by the electorate.

  4. Trudeau will make a few token changes and then reservse them as soon as he thinks no one is looking.

    1. He will reduce it by one order of magnitude i.e. from 1,000,000 to 999,999.

      And later hike it to 1.1 million.

  5. “Low wage, temporary, foreign workers” … is dog whistle for “black jobs”. Too bad the whole world doesn’t speak in the shorthand of a Real Estate Developer like PDJT. He speaks truth to power … and they cringe. Then take 8-shots at him …

  6. A statement from the Toronto Wine Hags Association:
    “Well who the fck is going to deliver us dinner when we’re too drunk to cook!”

  7. It must be coming abundently clear to the Western “democratic” world’s people whose interests their governments are working for. There’s no other explanation for the anti-national policies being implemented.

  8. Since when is it the government’s responsibility to determine what is a “low” wage and what isn’t? For what it’s worth, every worker is covered by minimum wage laws and onerous workplace health and safety regulations whether they are temporary or foreign or not. Minimum wage laws just drive up the unemployment rate anyway, so someone needs to pick a lane here.
