Tit for Tat

How it started…

France 24- Allies freeze $330 bn of Russian assets since Ukraine invasion

The Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs Task Force (REPO) said in a joint statement that they had blocked $30 billion in assets of Russian oligarchs and officials, and immobilized $300 billion owned by the Russian central bank.

How it’s going…

Express- Russia seized £76m from Google ‘to support war in Ukraine’

The Kremlin seized more than £76m from Google’s accounts in Vladimir Putin’s Russia – and used this to fund propaganda supporting the war in Ukraine, court documents claim.

The assets seizure came after a Russian court ruled that Google must pay damages to three Russian TV channels.

29 Replies to “Tit for Tat”

  1. Good. More please. The main player (after the Fuds of course) in the Censorship Industrial Complex.

  2. You do understand that there’s at least four order of magnitude difference between the losses inflicted on Russia and the losses inflicted by Russia’s expropriations, do you not?
    You do understand that Russia’s economy is tiny compared to the enemies ringed against it, do you not?

      1. You do realize that a billion is a thousand millions? Now compare 330 billion vs 76 million, can you keep up? Take a break if you need to.

    1. furthermore youre not clear as to who is on the low end of the scale.
      and ps as noted ‘orders’ of ‘magnitude’ sorta words like the richter scale . . .

      1. TW, the losses inflicted on Russia exceed enormously what it can do to Western economies and companies in return. I would expect that, like in the 1960s when Brezhnev replaced Khrushchev, the potential losses Russia might inflict are already priced into the various companies stocks. There was a lot of past experience in this. In the 1940s, American companies and financial institutions wrote off all of their holdings in German assets, knowing that Lend-Lease meant that the United States was at war with Germany in 1940.

    2. Perception of scale is foreign to Pootin fanboys, they will pick and choose bits and pieces that fit their narrative and run with them. Meanwhile back in the real world: Gazprom has lowest results since mid 1980s and Power of Siberia II has been cancelled, nothing to see here move along.

      1. In short, the oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia started in 2021 by the Saudis over market share has been won for the time being by the Saudis.

        And you are right about Power of Siberia 2. It’s not yet been formally canceled but Russia and China are arguing over the route.

        1. You’re right, PoS 2 is not formally cancelled but for all intends and purposes one may as well stick a fork in it. Chicoms repeatedly said that:
          1. They will not pay for building it. Russia is to pick up the entire tab.
          2. That they will commit only to purchasing a fraction of the planned capacity.
          3. That whatever they purchase would have to come at prices that are subsidized to russian domestic level.
          At those terms it makes no sense for russia to commit to it.

  3. So … when Putin dies or is deposed … and Russia embraces the “civilized” LGBTQueer cabal … then, Obama … in his 6th Admin. will airlift $100B USD … cash … on hundreds of pallets? Just like Obama “refunded” the Iranian assets seized during the Iranian Hostage crisis ? Plus interest?

  4. Sanctions won’t work on Russia. And, in fact, they aren’t working on Russia. The only thing being accomplished is that the US and Brussels are pushing away certain countries that they should be cultivating. The biggest, IMO, is India. It’s one of fastest growing economies on the planet (and the most populous). As the EU and the US sanction Russia, Russia just opens up a stronger relationship with India. The same can be said for Turkey on a smaller level. And, although there are past animosities involved, we’ve actually seen Russia and China opening up cooperation that wasn’t there before.

    In short, there are mindless, narcissistic half-wits running the US State Department, and they prove that status on a daily basis.

    Incidentally, I believe our strategy should be the absolute opposite. We should be going down the list of Russia’s most prominent trading partners and undercutting their trade deals. Everyone’s economy is currently in the shitter. We should appeal to greed in each of Russia’s trading partners and isolate them.

    1. “As the EU and the US sanction Russia, Russia just opens up a stronger relationship with India.”

      With this level of reasoning you would fail the first midterm in Economics 100.

        1. Facepalm. Like I said no ability to reason detected. Do you understand how international trade works? Like any trade you pick the most advantageous deal available. Russia could always trade with India? So why haven’t russia always traded with India. Because India gave them a shit deal.

          And now when russia is out of options, they get an even shittier deal, Indians for(e russians to trade in rupees and reinvest the money back into India. A fraction of it is released back to russia through barter for generic drugs (that russia deemed unsafe before the war), the rest is stuck and as per international agreements cannot be traded outside of India. The simple fact is that russia is getting double screwed on every deal they make with Chicoms and Indians.

    2. “We should appeal to greed in each of Russia’s trading partners and isolate them.”

      You do realize that every time Chicoms hear about secondary sanctions on them for trading with russia they stop trading with russia. Company after company, bank after bank, bailed out of Pootinistan. Turns out Wester dollars are worth a lot more to Chicoms than rubbles and potatoes. Russia is just not an important trading partner for anyone who is important.

      1. I disagree. So do the facts.

        Russia raises shipments outside of price cap for 4 straight months

        Chinese operators cater to Indian thirst for Russian crude

        Top oil consumers not fully on board with Western sanctions


  5. Smirnoff Vodka is still on the shelves at local stores…. remember when they were going to give it to the Ruskies and drop the brand?

    1. Smirnoff brand is owned by a British company, the bottles you find on Canadian store shelves most likely come from a plant in Illinois. The founder of the brand created his signature product in the west after escaping russia.

      1. Quite right. Smirnoff Vodka is made mainly in America, specifically in Diageo North America’s Plainfield, Illinois facilities. However, the company has distilleries all over the world that produce Smirnoff Vodka products, including Latvia, Brazil, Italy, Mongolia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Honduras, and Ireland.

        It’s an American owned brand since 1930 when Vladimir Smirnov sold the rights to it to a New York businessman.

        1. The History Channel on TV has shown a variety of interesting stories on the creations of various brands including food and liquor. They had one program dealing with the history of Smirnoff and Makers Mark bourbon. It seems that Smirnoff’s big break came when the owner took a gamble on a product placement in a cheesy British spy thriller back in the early 60’s. You guessed it, James Bond in Dr. No and his vodka martini shaken, not stirred. The bottle of Smirnoff was very clearly placed for viewing.

    1. Excellent.

      I’ve maintained since flippin day one that Ukraine since 2014, (and most likely, even before that date), has become a slush Fund Country for the NEO-Cons & the Global Elites.

      “Trafficking” of children (Seems they all need Adenochrome)
      Bio Labs: Apparently well over 50 of them – and all run by US/CDN Military types
      Illicit Arms deals…Cant tell me that the near Trillion $$ worth of military Equip shipped there was actually used as designed..? IE; sold off for $$$
      Cartel Money Laundering

      I note that the comic in charge owns 1 or poss more $35+M Estates in S. Fla….as I’m sure many of his buddies do as well.

      As with EVERTHING, It boils down to CASH/Gold/$$$$$$$$$$$$
