When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

The manhunt continues…

Capitol Police officers met the hoodie-wearing person suspected of planting a pipe bomb near the Republican National Committee office during the alleged bomb-drop operation but did not detain or arrest the person, Blaze News has learned.

Despite apparently having the suspect next to two squad cars for nearly three minutes on Jan. 5, 2021, the officers did not detain or arrest the alleged bomber and allowed the person to go back to the crime scene and ostensibly finish the alleged bomb drop, previously undisclosed security video shows.

Apparent police interactions with the bomber were never disclosed by Capitol Police or the FBI, which has failed to identify the suspect despite nearly 44 months of investigation and a $500,000 reward.[…]

The video discovery raises serious questions about what was discussed during the nearly three-minute apparent meeting between police and the alleged bomber — and why the officers didn’t detain the person or publicly report the incident after the RNC bomb was found the next day.

It also raises the question of why the FBI never shared the video with its own agents or the public and did not disclose or explain the bomber’s seeming interaction with Capitol Police.


7 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. It tells us one thing. It was a conspiracy, part of the same one that involved 50 undercover FBI assets that entrapped Trump supporters, the same one that had Capitol Security invite in demonstrators only to later charge them with trespassing.

    1. Wait, the same guys who went though Epstein’s mansion in NYC for days, annotated the entirety of his surveillance system which recorded everything occurring in each room, hallway, washroom, entrance way, the kitchens, the bedrooms, and the smoking room, and the living rooms of the building, cracked the safe to access the CD’s with photos and video of past conquests and contact lists, and then disappeared all of it?

      Then conducted the same operation on Pedo Island, with exactly the same result?
      and without any charges to anyone outside of Epstein’s circle?

      Or do you mean, the same guys who appear to have lost the Hunter Biden laptop from hell and have since forgotten where it is and when they knew it?

      Or do you mean the same guys who sifted thought Melania Trump’s underwear “looking for evidence” of DJT having not stored his papers in cardboard boxes in his garage next to his old corvette like asshole Biden did?

      Those same guys?

  2. And for some strange reason Kamala has not been campaigning on having almost been killed by the bomb left at the DNC HQ on J6.

  3. The 3 minutes Capitol Police took detaining the bomber probably equates to the time needed for them to obtain and verify his fed credentials. It was an inside job and they were all in on it.

  4. Update:

    Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 2h
    The story by Steve Baker and substantiated by Kyle Seraphin about the alleged pipe bomber has been dramatically revised.

    IMO it should be retracted in full. And I believe more edits will be required as Baker attempts to salvage this piece.

    Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 3h
    There is no clear evidence the “similarly attired” individual has any interaction with police let alone a meeting.

    This is a very unfortunate misstep in critical pipe bomb coverage just as we are exposing the facts.

