White Woman Tells Other White Women To Do The Thing She Doesn’t Do

And gets rich while doing it.

Free Beacon- Robin DiAngelo Plagiarized Minority Scholars, Complaint Alleges

DiAngelo, 67, tells “fellow white people” that they should “always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking.”

It doesn’t matter if their contribution is just a few words. “When you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person,” DiAngelo says, referring to black, indigenous, and other people of color, “credit them.”

But the white diversity trainer has not always taken her own advice. According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.

11 Replies to “White Woman Tells Other White Women To Do The Thing She Doesn’t Do”

  1. I told her my grandfather invented the birchbark canoe and she didn’t give me no credit. I feel so appropriated.

  2. I wouldn’t hesitate, not for 1 second to drop this White woman off on 125 th street in Harlem,N.Y. at 3am on a Saturday night.

  3. Why should anyone be surprised that a grifter is going to grift off other peoples work?

    Everyone who paid her should sue for misrepresentation…

    And if you were subjected to her claims, then also for creating a hostile work environment.

  4. “Academics” are useless nasty backstabbers. There’s only so many billions to go around to universities to be doled out as grants and an infinite list of crap that these useless people want funded. No amount of funding would ever be sufficient, it’s worse than the all the welfare programs. Fire. Them. All.

  5. In an “industry” that has not had an original thought in 6 decades,plagiarize is all…The serpent eating its tail.
    So none of the “victims” here have complained..
    Most likely because they did the same.

    “Higher Education”
    Is a bad joke.
    The old tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” has its modern iteration in the Halls of Academia..
    Those who see everything through the lense of race, are racists.
    A very simple reality,that the professional race profiteers will never see.
    For their income ,their entire grift depends on them Not Seeing..
