16 Replies to “Art Of The Deal”

  1. Glenn Reynolds always sounds so reasonable to me. It seems a bit distant, like a return to a time when people held doors for each other, as if the past few years of widespread idiocy hasn’t occurred, and now the return to decent arguments set forth in an orderly fashion… I don’t know how to read it and my eyes dart all over looking for the key words of “Ivermectin” or “trans”

  2. The health crisis is far and away the biggest crisis facing America and many western nations. It will bankrupt us if we don’t get ahead of it. Forget about global warming, bogus threats to democracy and such. This issue should be front and centre.

    Functional medicine focussing and root causes and prevention needs to be brought to the fore. It will be an enormous challenge fighting big food and pharma. The battle must come straight from the top with the weight of the White House. No doubt the food and pharma special interests will find ways to maneuver through the miasma. But the course correction must start now.

  3. RFK, Jr and Tulsi’s endorsements show how far we’ve come since J6 2021. People were running away from him like the plague – hello Cheney and Kinzinger. The lies, and there are so many, are starting to slowly hit people. I’m getting the feeling Trump’s win may be Reaganesque.

      1. its always been that way sadly. just now with so many alternate sources of info good and not so good, and a record of their words lasting decades etc its easier to spot (and propagate) the lies.

  4. As a lifelong suburbanite 20 miles west of Chicago, I’m curious as to how to identify these suburban moms. Would they be the ones with Ukraine flags? Welcome Refugee signs? BLM signs? “Love Is” signs? I can only offer anecdotal evidence but those concerned about healthy food appear to ease their concerns by shopping at WHOLE FOODS and not by planting vegetable gardens.

    1. I have not heard about any demands in IL to revamp school lunch programs away from the flawed FDA pyramid or to reduce vaccine requirements for K-12. IL’s 2023 “Healthy School Meals for All Act” doesn’t define healthy meals, just provides for free breakfast and lunch for all who want this option.

  5. But, but, but … RFK Jr. posts “mean Tweets” about Dr. Fauxci. Doesn’t THAT turn off the suburban women? RFK Jr. is ALWAYS complaining about something … he’s not JOYful like Kamelala …

  6. I suspect the concern about food quality crosses partisan lines. There are enough “Foodies” that they have their own grocery store chains. I doubt Amazon would have bought Whole Foods, if they didn’t believe it would continue to expand.
    The latest darlings, in the healthy foods space, are Casey and Calley Means. I hear they have been advising both Trump and RFK. The Foodies are already in alternative media, so the Unity Ticket should be able to get the message out. If they do, I think it has legs.

  7. Article is written with the assumption that American voters will be the ones who decide the election, as though we are still in the 1980s.

    This seems unlikely. Mail-in an electronic voting fraud will be so rampant, in particular in the key cities & precincts within the swing states, that it will be the ballot harvesters & counters who decide the election. Voters will have little to do with it.

    Put another way, there’s little reason to believe the 2024 election will be any cleaner than the 2020 one. The 3am ballot drops may have to be bigger this time, but they’ll be there.

    1. You’re not wrong, it will be rampant. Red states have put in some measures, Blue states nothing. It’s going to end up in the courts again but it won’t be like 2020.

  8. Women, as a rule, are terrible at assessing risk. Women are in favour of unrestricted immigration, which leads to their cities being unsafe. They are against firearms, when it is the great leveler vs muggers, rapists, and polar bear hunters.
