33 Replies to “August 27, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Michelle Phillips Dreaming. The prototypical California girl. Thin, wispy, innocent, long straight dirty blonde hair and a mouth made for kissing. Probably every girlfriend I had from 1966 – 1976 cultivated her look. Her voice was good enough … but what a sexy little kitten!! Grrrr.


    1. Top 10 all time hottie. Maybe even top 5. Her and Julie Christie were the two hottest Bettie’s to come out of the sixties.

    1. Stupid people doing stupid things. I blame the educational system. GYM would probably blame the katholic church…

  2. Michelle Phillips also did backup vocals for Cheech and Chong’s “Basketball Jones”.
    How’s that for useless trivia?

    1. “All I have to do is dream”, when I was 8 years old, was the first pop song that I grabbed on to as a child. Great song. I also like “Take a message to Mary”, among other EB music.

      1. Yes, indeed.
        But, there is a downside too. It exposes how difficult the MAGA mission is, even if Trump finds common cause with disaffected Democrats. It will take more than capturing the presidency and picking up a handful of votes in the House and Senate. Trump was there in 2016 and got shivved for his trouble. For MAGA to get any traction, Trump has to crush the Ds and the donors are not going to go quietly into that long good night.

    1. My working theory is that many on the Left are slowly realizing they will be CANCELED in an instant if they cross the Communist Deep State. The Cuomo’s were CANCELED … and so now, the scales have fallen from their eyes.

      No one will be spared in the coming Communist purge. Nobody.

  3. Zuckerberg claims he was pressured to help the Dems. Yeah. I believe that about as much as his claim about wanting to be neutral. He lies like every other lefty.

  4. I had a serious tweener crush, as did many of my contemporaries. Watched a documentary awhile ago called ‘Echoes From the Canyon’ that snuffed out those feelings for good.

    1. Why? Too much sex? Too many drugs? Too much Rock and Roll? Or was Mama Cass’s flop house a bridge too far?
