Great Success!

CP24- York Region Crime Statistics

MacSween said the region has also seen a 92 per cent increase in shootings, with a total of 46 in the region since January.

“Almost all of the guns being used in these crimes are illegal handguns, many of which are being smuggled across the border from the U.S.,” MacSween said. “The surge in gun violence can be attributed to organized crime rings who are obtaining and using illegal handguns to commit a number of offences.”

23 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. “All of the victims in these cases were targeted. These were not random crimes,” MacSween said.

    So all 15 were public interest homicides?

    1. The Proverbs, in the Old Testament quotes:

      ”Being kidnapped and held for Ransom, never worries the Poor Man”.

      So. You don’t want to be targeted? You don’t want to be carjacked, murdered, or otherwise criminally victimized? Be Poor. Drive a clunker car nobody wants to steal. Never buy a Rolex. No gold chains, or Diamond earrings. Become a hobo.

      That’s what the Police Chief recommends. Oh! And keep your car keys in the Entryway … to make it easy on the thieves.

        1. “In short, don’t be Jagmeet Singh”

          Why not? I LOVE potatoes, especially the small sweet Russets – you can bake those into a pie!

  2. It would be very helpful if they could figure out where these smuggled firearms crossed the border.

    1. Nahhhh … just blame the US “gun culture” … that gets the Police Chief off the hook.

  3. The most important thing missing from that “Public safety Announcement” was the resignation of the speaker.
    Proudly and profoundly useless.
    Without the decency to resign in disgust.

  4. Since Canada was a major source for illegal whiskey during the US Prohibition, and has been a popular source for smuggling drugs and illegals into the US, and some of the shittiest Ontario drivers heading to Florida, it only seems fair that something flows back the other way.

    1. my daddy could attest to that, him siring me in his 50s.
      speaking of contraband, when the time came he disclosed he knew the whereabouts of either wild or gro op pot plants wouldnt disclose where tho.
      a very successful scrounger the type ‘found out’ someone ‘looking for something’ wd immediately act as middleman (unbeknownst to either party)
      dropped out of school gr 4.
      moi and all siblings post sescondary except the dyslexic plumber.
      he had street smarts embeddded in his jeans and genes

  5. I posted this a few days ago about Hamilton, but it applies here as well:

    “Well, your ridiculous restrictions on hunters obviously don’t keep smuggled guns away from our criminals, so why dont you try something even more absurd to pretend you want to stop these shootings? I mean, have you given any thought to banning old order Mennonites from Peach Festivals?”

  6. An interesting statistic would be if you grouped all shootings and stabbings into 4 groups; gangs, terrorists, first nations, and others. By region.

    OK and hunters for Jamie.

    1. That study’s been done already – commissioned by the LPOC through Wendy Cukier’s Coalition for Gun Control. The results were:
      1) SHOOTINGS: legal gun owners
      2) STABBINGS: legal gun owners
      3) GANGS: legal gun owners
      4) TERRORISTS: legal male gun owners
      5) FIRST NATIONS: legal white gun owners
      6) OTHERS: legal gun owners.
      The only category not exclusively 100% made-up of legal gun owners was assisted suicides – the LPOC has the lock on that, due to their highly successful MAID program.

  7. Ahhh the Canadian Right, all about personal rights and responsibilities, unless its about guns, drugs, lawn darts, cigarette vending machines, seat belts, and so on, then its all “Oh Daddy Gov’t, save us! For the chiiiiildren!”
    Even after the freedom convoy, Tamara Lich, the Coutts 4, mandates and lockdowns, Canadians still don’t get it.
    Canada = kaput.
    The two Red Stripes and the Maple Leaf should be replaced by The Two Yellow Stripes and the Buttercup, much more representative of what Canadians actually are.

    1. “Ahhh the Canadian Right, all about personal rights and responsibilities, unless its about guns, drugs, lawn darts, cigarette vending machines, seat belts,”

      Firecrackers, tasers, tear gas…

  8. If those American gangs are flooding the Canadian market with handguns, how come the only illegal shoot in’ iron I’ve been offered came to the market via an employee of the Canadian army. Shucks, the US gangs must outnumber the CAF at least 2:1.
