19 Replies to “If It Wasn’t For Government”

  1. We house addicts, lunatics and alcoholics in old folks homes here in BC. My spouse works at one of these places.
    Don’t get old. Just die suddenly

    1. Tried to post a link to Moe doing the same thing but it was blocked,
      Do a search with Saskatoon, drug addicts, retirement home

  2. How to say “We hate you” without the words.
    Tar and feathers.
    Our parasitic overload glories in human misery.while pretending they “care”.
    Their words mean nothing.
    They style themselves as Do-Gooders,while the cripple and destroy.
    But they sure love looting the public..
    OPM, more OPM..
    Banishment would be a fitting reward for our “helpers”.

  3. Anybody want to guess how many million dollars went into making that vending machine?

    Custom application, right? Add 2000% cost increase for government, I’m going to wildly guess $20 million bucks. For that one machine, mind you. Not the whole roll-out.

  4. Yet reach for the smelling salts merely mentioning the selling of alcohol in convenience stores.
    Another reason I don’t go to B.C. anymore.

  5. That is because our govt overlords are functionally insane.
    NDP for Insane Asylum 2024!
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  6. This ALL started when a docile, low-information, population accepted the myth that … “marijuana is medicine”. So now, EVERYTHING is a “natural” way to treat your PTSD … PTSD that you received from “mean” parents who yelled at you to get your homework done … or worse … a church that scolded you to save your soul.

    Self-medicating with illegal drugs … is now legit medicine. We are creating a society of stupid people.

  7. Are seniors in forever care homes in BC permitted to carry small side arms? I’m not talking about anything too serious here, just like a small SIG P229 a little something to keep them protected from the menace at the gate?
    Purse size, or just slip it under your sweater while enjoying your morning tea with the group.

    You may note as well that this is just the thing for getting attention when the laundry isn’t done, when mom’s favorite sweater isn’t returned.

    Folks have had enough of the bullshit. There’ll be a new sheriff in BC this autumn. 62 days and unless you don’t want this sort of idiocy to arrive in the province’s daycares as well, vote like all of your last years depend on it.

  8. who knew that you needed special kit to snort Coke… I remember in the days before government all you needed was some coke, a credit card and a dollar bill

  9. Who would put free crack pipe vending machines outside of hospitals? People who haven’t yet succeeded in putting them inside the hospitals. But they’ll keep trying.

  10. If Canadians had any balls at all, this would be a non issue.
    Just go and get all the pipes, and make artwork to sell on ebay or etsy, until they give up.
    Two Yellow Stripes and The Buttercup.
