Interesting Idea

Blacklock’s- Pay Seniors To Stay At Home

Parliament should pay Canadians over 65 to stay in their homes, say cabinet advisors.

“Aging at home can be understood as enabling healthy aging in one’s home and community,” said a panel report. “It also refers to the ability to live safely, independently and comfortably in one’s own home and community.”

Data show seniors in Canada last year outnumbered children for the first time in the nation’s history. An Actuarial Report On The Old Age Security Program counted 7.7 million seniors and 7.5 million children.

31 Replies to “Interesting Idea”

  1. 7.7 million mainly “white” seniors
    7.5 million mostly BIPOC children

    Goodbye Canada … Hello caliphate

    1. 7.7 million seniors on the Old Age Security Program? Add one more to that. I deferred my OAS payments to get the extra .6% per month for every month deferred. (Up to 5 years, total 35% bonus for waiting to collect)

      DNA history in my family suggests I’ll make it to 92, I may need the extra money by then.

      1. May your DNA exceed that of your forefathers/mothers! And may you keep the voting base even slightly sane in the coming years.

      2. @rmgk
        You could have done the same thing with the CPP. I would have but I needed the money.

        1. Taking the CCP early was suggested by my accountant many years ago. He was correct as the early money that I drew for five years could not be offset by waiting longer.

      3. Ditto. Relative longevity in the family so I deferred retiring and benefits as long as practical and to max out pensions and earnings. Hoping to hang in long enough to be a burden on society.

      4. rmgk

        did same….
        DNa marker same as well.

        Now living in my 32′ RV – Was paying ~$2350/mo. for a shitbox apartment in Calgary (Utilities + Phone + Wifi). It was more than what I receive on CPP/Oas. Simply impossible to find work in Alberta as a White euro Centric male. Thanx to LMIA etc.

        So was Easy decision. $930/mo Water/Power/Sewer. Got Starlink. And still far ahead of where I was 4 months ago.

        May well move to BC interior Next yr…rates much cheaper than Cowtown area and a lot warmer to boot.

        My Abject HATRED of this Liberal/NDP Govt knows no bounds.

  2. Pay seniors? More? Way too expensive! Better to ramp up MAID.
    Societally, boomers have generally been arguably very spoiled. Suicide is considered to be the most selfish act. Simply put in more barriers to senior’s access to healthcare and hail the promise of MAID for a decade and the suffering boomers will act on it. The demographics will slowly return to a ‘better’ balance.

      1. I recently moved to another city and in order for Health Ontario to assist with finding a new doctor I have to discharge my current one first. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I’ll keep my current physician as long as I can even if it means driving 2.5 hrs for an appointment.

    1. @cryptic cynic
      Spoken like a true nazi.
      (but you’re kidding, being facetious, right?)

      1. The first victim was humor. Sarcasm was next. Canada is becoming a sadder place to be more and more every year.
        If people don’t have a sense of humor, they’re not far from not having any sense at all.

  3. The economic cost of inaction? We’re already basically insolvent. Infinity x infinity = infinity.

  4. Hey Seniors! Have we got a deal for YOU!

    Listen to this! We will dip a bit (at first) into your wealth via capital gains, property taxes and luxury taxes, and we’ll cut you a pittance so that you can stay in your home (that we really own) until we decide that you’re ready for some assistance. And then we will offer you a MAID.

    1. Bingo Jamie.
      The pricks could simply stop taxing anyone over 65..
      Now that would be better any hand out.
      Heh,imagine a time limit on personal taxation?
      Is 40 years enough?

      1. That would be a wonderful step forward. After all, how much are the pricks really getting by taxing my CPP and OAS?

        I wonder how much the government would lose out on if they no longer taxed CPP/OAS? They don’t tax GIS so there’s a starting point.

    2. Seniors who DO opt for MAID should be given a medal for their family to hang on the living room wall to commemorate their courageous and patriotic act!

      Maybe include a certificate signed by the G-G AND the PM!

    1. Yep.
      I’m not paying any taxes on income, thankfully.
      It’s just all the other stuff;
      Carbon (everything moves by truck)
      Gasoline taxes fed & prov
      Municipal levies on energy, water, waste, sewer, garbage, recycling, organics.

  5. Contradictory.

    The Communist Party of China owns all the “assisted living” facilities now and it’s so environmentally friendly to stuff people in little box apartments, or just cardboard boxes, isn’t that what Dr. Trudeau wanted last week?

    Cabinet wants to keep the old ladies voting for corrupt Liberals until they get the MAiD….

  6. Everytime Trudeau comes up with another way to give out money remind yourself; “You’ll get more back in carbon tax rebates than you pay in carbon tax.”

    I already give back more than half my income in assorted taxes. If you want to make my life easier just stop taxing me.

  7. On further consideration.
    After covid,you would have to be nutz to seek government funded care.
    The numbers of deaths in Old Folks Homes versus people of the same age still living in their own homes or with family assisted care,was something absurd.
    15000 to 3?
    As I recall.
    As much as government numbers bear any relationship with real world events.

  8. Um, so we are going to pay the richest generation in history who ran up massive deficits federally and provincially and stuck us with the bill? Nah.

    1. I suppose you are referring to boomers .. who built the easy-living conditions that you younger ingrates take for granted.

  9. just detailed dream home aka ‘tiny home’ but with year round showering facilities.
    spring fed year round via underground pipes pop up into an automated electric water heating system.
    modifications if justified cd lead to real comfy year round use.
    you get the idea.
    can l afford this after the new capital gains capital of which consists of ABOUT 35,000 MAN HOURS spread over 21 years here.
    getting ready, have entered the divest divest phase with a failed Diabetes donation drive.
    anyways all curb side now as they say.
