20 Replies to “Things You See On CBC”

  1. So Canada will incentivize the sale of EVs by making them substantially more expensive. Sounds like Keynesian logic to me.

    1. Well given that the EV industry runs entirely on government (i.e., taxpayer) money, the whole industry should be flushed down the toilet.

  2. That’s quite the big flip-flop for the Lisping Loser in just 14 days. I wonder what the liberal party kickback is???

  3. Investments? So pissing taxpayers’ money up against a (foreign) wall now qualifies as “investments”?

  4. When Pollievre says it, it is far right MCMA rhetoric. When the Turd says it, is wisdom for the ages from the great one.

    1. This is so true.

      This is why I do not pay -any- attention to the Canadian press. Even when they say the truth they’re still lying.

  5. No the vain of “no soup for you”
    “no election help for you !”
    We helped you get elected 3 times, and you do this !
    吾助君为选 3 次,子得之矣

  6. I get the feeling some money moved somewhere between the 12th and the 26th. And by some I mean enough to buy Jamaica.

    I also get the feeling that China is starting to let its attention drift from Canada, and the Eye of Sauron is being focused closer to home.

    Now would be a good time to get busy and clean out some rot.

  7. Some things he’ll need to get out of the way before the next election. It’s a big list. I have a feeling he’ll adopt many of Poilievre’s plans and then start taking credit for them as the election approaches. Might even accuse Pierre of stealing his election platform.

    1. Mackenzie-King did the same thing in 1944, stole the CCF’s idea of a family allowance and made it Federal government policy. Every Mother in Canada voted Liberal after that one.

      I fear for a conservative lead Canada having to deal with Prez. Kamala. Maybe they’ll close the Border.

  8. Taking a page out of the Harris campaign by co opting the opponent’s policies and pretending they were yours all along.

    Reminds me of the Pappy O’Daniel piece in “O Brother Where Art Thou?”

    Pappy: “Our campaign needs a shot in the arm!”

    Son: “How about some re-form? People seem to like it. Maybe we should get us some of that!”

  9. As they sink in the polls,the ones the uni-party will never publish,the Liberanos become ever more desperate.
    And their media servants will attempt to persuade us all..”Dear Leader is good Dear Leader is great..All praise Dear Leader.”.

    1. Well John, if there is anything we should have learned by now ,it is they are very competent at making the steal believable. The illusion shall continue.

  10. Who realizes that most EVs are built in China. Tesla, most Volvos, Polestar, some from Chrysler, etc. Not mentioned by media who only talk about the Chinese brands. Tariffs are a great way to rake in more revenue while appearing virtuous about domestic jobs. The end is EVs are more expensive until China completes its factory build-out in Mexico – remember NAFTA?

  11. Cons should hold their platform details closer to their vest, mention the issue and not the possible resolution. Save the details until the election is called, no matter how much screaming and whining from the Libs hired journalists.
    May help control the NDP/LIB idea theft.
