22 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. The assumption that Israel is at fault and only Israel can fix the situation is a constant theme of the proPalestinians. It’s like Palestinians are stupid spoiled children who can’t help themselves when they act like barbarians, and they can only be rescued by Jews.

    1. “IDF desecrates a corpse.”

      Yeah, once in a while the IDF gets caught acting like Gazans do every day….that’s just awful.

      (but hey, at least they weren’t using broom handles in the eye sockets, right?)

    2. So what?

      Did you see what they did to Israelis, even before they were dead? What about the hatchet to the living fellow Oct 7th? What about dragging the body of that poor girl around in the back of a jeep and beheading her?

      It’s not official Israeli policy and any soldier caught doing that is punished. Now compare what happens when a corpse is brought into Gaza. It gets desecrated by a mob screaming Allahu Akbar while they take pictures of themselves doing it and boasting about it.

      I’ll get excited about a single Israeli soldier doing something aberrant when people like you start condemning what HAMAS does. Frankly, given the horrors that Israelis soldiers saw Oct 7th I’m surprised more soldiers don’t lose it.

  1. “Israel, the Promised Land for pedophiles

    Opinion: Among the tax evaders and smugglers who have found a safe haven in the Jewish state is a particularly nasty subset of criminals who for some reason are allowed to live freely without fear of reprisal for their heinous actions in their own countries

    Tamar Kaplinsky|02.28.20”


    1. Did you FAIL to see this part of the paper from Y-not.
      (Opinion:) Not based on facts.

      Learn to read would ya.

    1. Your posts are coming dangerously close to being antisemitic.
      You haven’t cross the line yet (others may disagree), but you’re very close to it.

      1. Oh, he crossed the line a while back. He’s nothing but a filthy antisemitic a$$hole.

    2. Did you missed this part.
      Israeli court of child mole–station in a separate case. He served time and was released.

      So Israel was not hiding him.

    3. Matt go back to your Islamic home land and tell them that Canadians are patient people! But when they lose their patience they become the “Storm Troopers “ that scared Hitler! And made him change tactics when Canadians showed up on the battlefield!
      I for one have had enough of your crap and lies!

  2. Islamic POS beats his wife.

    I don’t particularly give a shit on which side of the Political spectrum folks sit, But THIS particular segment of “humanity” (and I use the term extremely Loosely), Requires to be Excised from this planet….Every last one of them….Zyklon B would be appropriate in this case.

    Oh and Matt, I fully Agree with fc.
    You apparently being such a fan of Utter FILTH such as Fred Haan & Syd Ryan, seems to me you should consider Islam…and join the Above group.

    1. “You apparently being such a fan of Utter FILTH such as Fred Haan & Syd Ryan, seems to me you should consider Islam…and join the Above group.”

      I assumed him to be a Muslim months ago….how else could he be so blind to reality? Give him actual facts and he pretends not to see them.

      (the depth of his blind, unthinking hatred makes him remarkably similar to Jessica, only s/he substitutes Jews for Russians; there are some mental health issues there, for sure…)

  3. So the euphemism for terrorist Muslim scum is now … “southern”

    So everyone living south of the 30th parallel is a scumbag terrorist. Sounds about right. Nothing like painting with a broad brush in order to avoid being specific with their language.
