8 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Boy, the difference between Vance on the campaign trail and Harris is startling.
    He’s such a good speaker.
    Even when she’s given a softball question that she knew was coming, her answers are a word salad.
    She’s just incapable of answering a question.

    1. Kamalala…lalalalalalalalala (That was her policy speech, BTW)

      Oh, I heard this one last night on Jesse Watters’ show. The ‘Joy’ platform she’s running on for stands for the Joke’s On You.

  2. Wall Street Apes
    “Today Mark Zuckerberg admitted he regretted working with the Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris administration to censor Covid information online

    FLASHBACK: Leaked Video Of Mark Zuckerberg warning his staff not to take the COVID Vaccine


    “I share some caution on this because we still don’t know the long term site effect of basically altering peoples DNA & RNA. To basically directly code in a persons DNA & RNA the ability to produce those antibodies, whether that causes other mutations or risks downstream” – Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of META $META 2021

    While he was warning his staff of the dangers of modifying their DNA with mRNA vaccines he was censoring everyone who raised the alarm

    This is crimes against humanity”


    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

  3. Government paid media.
    What else would you expect?
    He who has the gold makes the golden rules.

    If the media creatures had any ethical standards at all,they would refuse their 30 pieces of silver.
    And if they truly believed their own rational for accepting government handouts,they would headline each page/post with a declaration of their conflict of interest..
    “Pravda in truth”.

    Of course,if you have been paying attention,you already refuse to buy their product..Which indicates far more citizens are paying attention than most credit..
    For all the propaganda organs are dying.
    With or without government cheese.

    The irony of propping up the media with tax payers money,after those tax payers have flatly refused to buy media output directly…This is classic State of Thuggery incompetence.

    The 5 “W” of reporting are long lost to “The Cause”.
    And the propagandists are struggling,for it is most difficult to persuade people who ignore you.
    And the advertisers see this.
    So the big cheese of private funding has abandoned the media,just as the media has abandoned the truth.

    Now there is much prattle of “Rebuilding Trust”..
    With apparently no recognition of how they lost our trust in the first place.

    These are traditional Not Sees,for their grift depends on not seeing.
    And big daddy government will steal your money to gift to their little helpers..
    Cause “The media is in decline”.
    Faster .

  4. “A Double Funeral”. Please read. Sooner or later, there will be a test. The test will involve much blood being let.
    I served in the USMC. My war was Vietnam. I wondered at that time why we fought the same war that the French lost in a very thorough way. Now, again, the political and military leaders of our two countries are constructed with flat bottoms from too much sitting. Cry the beloved country(s).

  5. Europe’s libraries will burn great when the time comes, all those old books are nice and dry.

    Muslims will choose the time of course and it will be sooner than we think, just like the churches…
