40 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has A Crayon”

  1. Why Do We Belong to the UN?
    When scientific measurement shows that South Pacific islands we have ALWAYS been told would eventually be subsumed by rising oceans are ACTUALLY GROWING, it is time to end all the nonsense. Stop believing the lies of the willingly misled global elites.

    The secretary general of the UN repeats the false lies of the Climate Cupcakes, so he’s either an uneducated idiot, or he has another agenda.

    1. I just read that Communist mole Alger Hiss was instrumental in establishing the UN. Yet we STILL mock Sen. McCarthy and his Communist “scare”. Mocking McCarthy is just another Psy Op run aided and abetted by ultra wealthy Hollywood Communists.

      Oh! Wait! That would be a “conspiracy theory” repeated by the … Far Right! Right?

        1. VOWG
          Exactly…he knew full well then that Hollyweird was and REMAINS to this day a hotbed of Commie Garbage.

          With very very few exceptions.

  2. Heatwaves heatwaves everywhere…Global warming,everywhere there are no people to check the claimed temperatures.
    Environment and Climate Change Canada,shall be defined as: A group of people for whom firing is not reward enough.

    However Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming,now called Climate Change,is an intelligence test.
    Use it.

    If a “concerned citizen” buys into the panic,you are obliged to sell them more fear and loathing.
    For your failure to deprive such persons of wealth and leisure,will result in them using both to “help” you as they attempt to control your lives.
    The only cure for our progressive comrades and the Do-Gooder class is abject poverty..The thing they keep recommending for you and me.
    Banishing such people to be reliant upon their own resources,will accomplish just that..Well if they survive at all without productive people to leech off of.

  3. Global Warming is one big Communist Psy Op. Period.

    I am waiting for RFK Jr. to awaken to that fact.

        1. is he the one draped in a rainbow shawl or was that just part of the 50% of the it’s ‘shopped’ stuff?
          let me guess . . . . .

  4. Ventusky says it’s -20 in Greenland (summer)(GREEN-land?? WTF!)
    and -60 in Antarctica (winter!)

    1. Oh come on, you cannot expect Climate Scientists™ to use uncorrected data now. My rule is that the amount of warming is proportional to the proximity of airports and big cities + inversely proportional to the density of measurements.

  5. Sports’ scores the only thing left untouched. But considering every government is legalizing betting, I expect that to change.

  6. With the planet boiling it’s time to head to the green zone along the southern Rockies. It’s humanities only hope.

  7. Temps in southern AB will drop 10 – 15 celsius for the day, they are not turning to that temp. “by Wednesday” and implying they are staying at that temp. It’s a one day event, anyone near mountains should expect this.
    It’ll be 23 and 25 in the following 2 days. I’m hoping we survive.
    Are there no mountains near CTV headquarters? It really does sucks to be them..

    The lava colored mountains are weird, other weather apps have shown the same here as well as over much of Europe, yet no indications of volcanic development outside of Iceland, and they don’t appear too worried.
    I think they actually like it there. I’d love to visit, and whatever of the actual volcanoes

  8. Warmistas tend to use planet Venus as an example of runaway global warming with its atmosphere of CO2. What they ignore is the compression heating of about 90 atm compared to Earth’s 1 atm. I’m no expert, but I believe a Diesel Engine can be fired with less than 20atm. That may account for the 600+C surface temperature more than the CO2 IR absorbance.

    1. There’s also the small matter of Venus being 30M miles closer to that big yellow ball that the scientific giant brains of the IPCC argue has no measurable impact on average global temperature.

    2. Not to mention Mars has a similar concentration of CO2 and it has runaway cooling.

      Gee, ya think maybe distance from the sun has something to do with it too?

    3. The interesting fact about the Venusian atmosphere is that the temperatures are very Earth-like if you look at the atmospheric temperature profile of Venus from the one bar elevation up (like earth at sea level but about 50 km above the surface). So we see an Earth like temperature structure where we have earth like atmospheric pressures despite the 96.5% carbon dioxide concentration. To me, this means that the super hot temperature at the surface of Venus has nothing to do with the “greenhouse” effect of CO2 and everything to do with the incredibly dense atmosphere compared to that of Earth.

    4. If you study the temperature & presure profiles of the Venusian atmospher, you will notice that at aroung 50km, the pressure is roughly equal the Earth’s and the temperature is only slighly above the Earth’s which is approx. 300K, which is not surprising as Venus is much closer to the Sun and therefore receives much more energy.


  9. This has been one of the mildest summers I can remember. Never touched 100F. My snap peas planted end of March are still going.

    1. We’re getting lots of rain (Toronto). Not the end of the world or the sky falling!

      Our mayor is proposing a rain tax. Time to move?

      1. a south american dictatorshyt tried that in cahoots with nestle.
        rain tax. taxing them on rainwater collected.
        they had to store it, it cd be measured
        almost started a revolution.

  10. “If it’s pitched at you as a global crisis, to which there is only a top down solution, and if there is any descent to the top down solution and the validity of the crisis and that decent is to be crushed. That’s a scam!”
    Nick Hudson.

  11. Related headlines: 114 doomsters stroke themselves to death watching CTV’s weather porn.

  12. re the color scheme, thats it.
    condition the plebes to *believe* when temperatures stay this level then THAT is glow bull warming.
    and continue to subsidize the subsides on car battery plants as sales dive.

    subtle eh? lol!!!!

    1. Wattsupwiththat some years ago provided several examples of how color coding of global temperature maps had changed over the years, resulting in more and more burning red.

  13. Finally you can show the Karens in the office that 22 degrees is sweltering heat and you don’t need to turn the heat up.
