44 Replies to “August 28, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Well… You do know that they have to “act right for the next 70 days, y’all, then they can act crazy!”

    2. “black, female Trump”

      The only thing black is her huge ass tented by a suit jacket. At least a couple ax handles wide. I think her father was 3/4 white. She’s only black under the racist one drop rule. Female sure and she’s is firmly MAGA until election day.

      1. 1000% buddy….

        This guy is beyond Mentally unstable. His manic Actions telegraph that in spades….
        His utterly Fake cheerfulness, hiding a totalitarian mean streak a light yr long…

        Rabid dog..

    1. Zuckerberg

      Gutless LyIng POS…..
      Yea he “admitted it” & aww gee, I’m so sorry: NOT..!!
      That Wanker Enjoyed every minute of his Gestapo like stranglehold over what was posted from 2020. He also on his own, trashed many over those who spoke out against Trans BS from 2016 onwards

      F that little nazi..

      Love to see ELON buy that as well

    1. 6 times? what, the last one took the tip jar?
      all recorded on video no doubt.
      only the truckers amongst them need fuss abt bail.
      l have never detested a politician as much as l do the TURDeau.
      including foreign leaders and historical leaders.

    1. I love this line….and am going to use it, Where & when I can

      “…There is XX and there is XY. We can corrupt the truth with language all we want. But at the end of the day the truth is that sex is binary…”

      Bottom line

      1. heh heh.
        lm working on the wording of a t-shirt emphasizing the ‘binary’ of digital computers, concluding any ‘non-binary’ individuals are banned from using a laptop.

        feel free any to borrow the idea!!
        example of current collection:
        life nowadays resembles
        a sitcom scripted by
        charles manson

    1. “Professional dog walkers” ?? People shouldn’t own a dog if they won’t adjust their lives to accommodate the dog’s needs. The parallel to raising children is obvious.

      1. No I am elderly with a mobility handicap, but I can take our dog Jack on two walks s day for 20 minutes each. But my wife and I feel he needs a longer walk in the early mornings, so we pay another low income senior to take him for an hour, and for more rigorous walk. Also many working people don’t have the time for dogwalks. This is why there is an economic market for this job.

      2. Idiotic conjecture. What if I need a professional dog walker because I broke my leg and it is in cast? You can think of hundreds similar cases.

    1. Cuba, once one of Latin America’s richer countries has been an economic shithole for 65 years. They have blamed the US embargo for their failure despite the fact that they can trade with the other 199 countries in the world. Plus any businessman above the level of retard can figure out a way to get critical supplies through Canada or another country. They would have been so much better off negotiating payment for American property seized during the revolution but the are simply too proud or too stupid.

      1. The only country that could bail out Cuba is China and I don’ t think they are that stupid (China).

        1. correctamundo.
          Chirese hegemony is flavoured with true capitalism, they ONLY economically invade when there is PAYBACK. like poverty stricken ahfricah agrees to all sorts of nonsense in trade agreements and ‘foreign aid’, they are so desperate and corrupt.
          not so cuba, anything going to cuba is swallowed up in the misery and grinding poverty hidden behind the gradiose speeches and fidel portraits
          so, no soup for you koobaa

    1. I’ve switched to Yandex, a Russian search engine. It’s stunning how awful Google Search has become.

      1. “I’ve switched to Yandex, a Russian search engine. It’s stunning how awful Google Search has become.”

        Yandex is actually where I found this (I just didn’t want to trigger Jessica by naming them…;)

        It’s disgusting how the others all march in lockstep. A class action lawsuit is probably in their future.

  1. Sexual Assault Alert,
    Annie Craig Drive and The Marginal Boulevard area,
    Man Arrested,
    Image Released


    … On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, Aimal Salamzada, 26, of Toronto, has been arrested and charged with:

    Sexual Assault on a Person Under the Age of 16
    Sexual Interference
    Invitation to Sexual Touching

    Investigators believed that there are more victims…

    Suspect Sought in Sexual Assault Investigation,
    Ossington Avenue and Dundas Street West area,
    Images Released


  2. Man Arrested in Carjacking Investigation,
    Steeles Avenue West and Keele Street area


    … Bartholomew Yousif, 18, of Toronto, was charged with:

    Robbery With Offensive Weapon
    Possession of Property Obtained by Crime…

    Further Charges Laid Against TPS Officer

    … On Monday, April 11, 2022, Constable Boris Borissov, 48, of Toronto, was arrested. He has been charged with:

    Three counts of Breach of Trust
    Trafficking Credit Card
    Use Credit Card in Commission of Offence
    Attempt to Obstruct Justice
    Possession of Property Obtained by Crime
    Unauthorized Use of a Computer System

    Constable Borissov, of 53 Division, has 16 years of service and has been suspended with pay as per the Police Services Act.

  3. Two people shot at while driving in Mississauga; man faces gun charges

    … Nabeyou Isayas, 27, of Mississauga, is charged with:
    discharge firearm with intent
    unauthorized possession of a firearm
    knowledge of unauthorized possession of a firearm
    possess firearm with altered serial number
    possession of a loaded prohibited firearm
    trafficking in a controlled substance…

  4. BC Provincial election will be on 19 October 2024, the NDP are near to tied with the Conservatives and the leader of (the other semi right leaning party) “BC United” Kevin Falcon has done similar to what the French left had done prior to the French general election… and what RFK has done with the DJT voters in the USA
    To unite the right, and win over the left, hopefully it works, the below link has the letter attached…


    *I sometimes think the federal #Libranos in Canada will try to unite in the next federal election with the NDP in order to save the CBC and all they’ve fought for so dearly, If their poll numbers added together approach the Conservatives I’d expect it more… as for now it’s likely the Conservatives would still win in Ottawa.
