26 Replies to “Politico’s Gaslighting Attempt Blows Up In Their Face”

    1. Right? And skip happily, chardonnay in hand, into what can be if everyone does as they’re told or they’ll get sh0t.

    1. ummmm, yes they do. they think by quickly switching the narrative the hoards out there will reenact the scene in ‘1984’ the crowd is having their 5 minutes hate. all believing the same thing. all shouting the same invectives against goldstein (a jew).
      and utterly forgetting all previous versions of the bad guy. all on cue.
      stoooopid receptacles of only correct thought. (as fluid as it is, trick is to ‘get used to it’).

  1. The alternative to linking Harris to the Biden administration is to assume that Harris was a useless puppet with no say on policy or administration.

    Either way, I’m good.

  2. The steal is on.
    The media is playing their part. They’ve already circled their wagons to protect their candidate.
    Legislatures are doing their part, particularly in the bluer states. We’re seeing record numbers of voters registering without ID — just in 2024!
    And the government? Well, the lawfare continues against political opponents. And now, a new twist. While the DNC continues to project it’s flawed policies onto it’s opposition, we now see Kackling Kamunist Kama-Kamaleon actually STEALING policy issues FROM the opposition!!! (yes, I’ve added another “K” to “KKK”)

  3. You don’t have to fool some of the people some of the time, you just have to fool enough of the people at the right time. The new law of Zuckerberg.

    Like sleepy Joe, DeMarxists just have to push Kamala Chameleon across the finish line, or at least get close enough to cue up rioters, insurrections and the resistance from violent do-gooders fighting for “our democracy,” aka theirs.

    What a time for our adversaries to strike, with more lawfare against Trump and Harris weasel wallowing on policy.

  4. … and you won’t cum in our mouths. Yeah, we’ve heard all those lies before. It won’t change the reality of the damage Biden-Harris have done to America.

  5. Shaking up to be a landslide shows you have no idea of the colloquialism, or you know nothing of proofreading…

    1. Yes, try “shaking up to be an earthquake”. I always feel like I’m hearing the sound of billable time being docketed when I see these DNC comments. At least he’s carefully avoiding the phrase “convicted felon”. Apparently they’ve learned that people just point at you and laugh when you use that.

  6. May sound like a picky detail BUT half the population has an IQ below 100, so . . .

    I wish Trump, Vance and every other Republican would quit using the phrase “our leadership” and always replace that concept with “ Democrat leadership” or “our opponent’s leadership”.

    1. l thought 83 was the cutoff point.
      does this mean the really worst of below avg have managed to kill themselves off in episodes of ‘1.000 dumb ways to die’?

  7. I have to agree. Kommie Kamala Khameleon has at least as much chance of winning this fall as Joe Biden does.

    OK, maybe less. Dummies like you remind me on a Simpsons’ episode, except for it having a greater grasp on reality, when Germans tried to take over the plant, were rebuffed, and insisted Mr. Burns stop pretending to not be afraid of them. Get this straight, dummy – conservatives (and actual liberals, not fake progressive fascist frauds) are most definitely not pretending to not be scared of Kommie Kamala and her VP interview sidekick.

    They are a gift to the GOP that will keep on giving, so line up the we was robbed resistance riots of your fellow dystopic dummies, race baiters and other useful idiots.

  8. “Vance is an utter buffoon. ”

    Yeah, sure…a ‘buffoon’ who has so far kicked the crap out of every left-wing ‘journalist’ who has tried to confound him with “gotcha!” ambushes during their interviews. Good luck with that.

    (and with Donald Trump being a ‘moron’ or ‘an idiot’. Yeah, lots of BILLIONAIRES have that problem, right?)
