8 Replies to “Sask Govt expanding trades education”

  1. If Harris and her supporting staff can fake sanity and common sense for a few months, she might well win the presidency. After that she can be nutty as squirrel poop, and there’s nothing the American people can do about it for four years.

    1. Going by the comments in the WSJ, Americans are well acquainted with Yellow Shortbus Girl.
      The Never Trumpers just don’t care.

  2. As if the STEM fields haven’t been thoroughly undermined by the Bezmenovites already. The very fact that “STEM” has been replaced by “STEAM” because the arts students didn’t like it being pointed out that their degrees were useless is proof enough.

  3. Power Engineering is a good trade , at least it was in the 70’s and early 80’s when I was a 3rd Class PE for about 7 years. In todays money I was making about $133,000 annually , not sure what the pay is like right now, but probably good. In those days we did our courses by home study via S.A.I.T I later went on to work in finance, but my experience as a Power Engineer was much better than a traditional University Degree, in my opinion.

  4. Karma-la’s job is to appear, occassionally. to provide signs of life, then get back out of the way of her campaign.

  5. There is no point in getting a power engineering license in Saskatchewan. When applying for job if you are white and male you are turned down.
