12 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Manitoba for a photo-op. Meanwhile he/she is sending his G.G. to Paris for the Paralympics.

  2. The federal government’s international development is simply money-burning.
    Not only what Juthtin and the Grifters burn, but all the previous governments as well.

    1. I was 8 in 1960 and graduated high school in 1970. During that decade, I became fully aware that there were very few “good, decent” countries in Africa. Much was blamed on colonization by European countries and Great Britain. Nevertheless, when the colonized countries became independent in the early 1960’s, there was electricity, running water and decent roads (albeit dirt roads in many cases).
      Since 1970, there have been civil wars, massacres between various tribes (I am looking at you Rwanda and the Congo) and a number of famines – who can forget the little Biafran children with their distended abdomens? At the grand old age of 72, I am done with Africa, we have our own problems in Canada and our national debt is now at one trillion dollars. The bank account is empty, there is no more money to give to “less than special” countries.

      1. some time ago l posed a Q to the local lieberal mp as to out of all the whatever the number was, 300,000,000,000 in aid from all sources to ahfricah, what is being done to ensure Canada’s portion is being reasonably effective? followup? auditing? surprise inspections? anything?

        l was ignored for 2 years. then the constituency office claimed they had no record of my enquiry, so l sat down right there in the waiting area and started writing it and a bunch other Qs cropped up in the mean time and was threatened with trespassing charge if l didnt leave.

        LIEerals it is folks!!

  3. Unacceptable Canadian Girl
    “If your best friend, colleague, and roommate was actively participating in an international child pornography ring and exploiting children across three countries, what are the chances that you wouldn’t know or have any indication that they were involved in this kind of activity?”


    Old photo of Trudeau and associate.

    1. I follow Rose on X

      She’s been doing some real investigative work on the Pikton story…Which isn’t over by a long shot.

      As for Trudeau, his allegiance with Dalgliesh – Ingvaldson & others, well lets just say where there’s a glowing ember, there is always FIRE. He is 100% a Pedophilic Phag… a Charter member of ManLoveBoyAssociation

  4. That $43.8 million invested in the Kenyan phone company and it keeps losing money?

    No worries. There’s a Nigerian prince I know that needs help getting $80 million out of his country. If Canada invests/helps this prince, he’s willing to pay 1/2 of the $80 million out of gratitude. It’s a chance for Canada to break even.

    Give me a minute and I’ll find his email with the details. Oh. Who do I forward it to up in Canada?

  5. Kamala Harris is a self-destructing alcoholic bent on self-destructing everyone around her. I lived with one until I was old enough to flee. Her alcohol fed flame will certainly be something to see. I hope she is not the President when that happens.

  6. Does this mean Canada is now the proud owner of Bonga-bonga points? Sounds like a bribe to me, just saying.
