What Would We Do Without “Knowledge Keepers” ?

The peddling of Canada’s Indigenous mass grave and genocide libels’

… focusing solely on the recent history of both the genocide and mass grave allegations neglects their historical roots and impact, namely that what could be called an Aboriginal-style blood libel was promoted, perhaps even invented, by a Christian minister decades earlier.

The fabricator is a still active propagandist named Kevin Annett, a defrocked United Church of Canada cleric who began peddling poisonous snake oil by the bucketful to gullible Indigenous and non-Indigenous people 30 years ago.

15 Replies to “What Would We Do Without “Knowledge Keepers” ?”

  1. Christ said those who harm children will wish they had a millstone tied around their necks and thrown into the watery abyss. Let me add, that those who USE children … dead children who died of the same diseases that took countless children’s lives before and after the turn of the 20th century … as props in the LIES told to besmirch … pick one: Christianity, The Catholic Church, The Canadian government, Settlers, Colonials … should be made social pariahs.

  2. “This has never been a search for missing or murdered children; rather it’s always been a never-ending treasure hunt supported by a mainstream media and compliant federal government unwilling to carefully probe any of the alleged findings.”

    -Hymie Rubenstein Editor of REAL Indigenous Report and a retired professor of anthropology, University of Manitoba.

    1. Rubenstein is also an important contributor to, ‘Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (And The Truth About Residential Schools)’.

  3. Kevin Annett, a defrocked United Church of Canada cleric.

    Considering how radical and unchristian the United “church” of Canada is, he must have been extreme in the extreme to get booted from that organization.

    1. “Considering how radical and unchristian the United “church” of Canada is, he must have been extreme in the extreme to get booted from that organization.”

      Aren’t they the ones trying to change their name from ‘church’ to something else?

  4. Ya want some “knowledge”? To “Keep”? Then put a shovel in the ground like every other “white” Western colonial, Archeologist ! Get some shaking tables set up and screen the dirt for remnants of your imagined burials. And then … if you find more than an “anomaly” … go full ID channel and examine the bones for signs of abuse … or … “murder” … “mass murder”. Geeze. What a Tale.

    Of course this hasn’t happened … not ONCE … since this emotional heart string pulling blood libel started. Why? Because finding NOTHING removes this HUGE chip in the stack of anti-Colonialist chips that are eroding our civilization. Finding NOTHING may stem the flow of taxpayer dollars strewn about to assuage the “guilt” felt by people who have been LIED TO about “Mass graves” …
