Embrace Hollywood!

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story. – Michael Moore

Over a shockingly short period of time, Hollywood intentionally abandoned a one-hundred-year-old system for making, releasing and profiting from the theatrical distribution of motion pictures that had served it and its audiences very well.

This was a system that generated billions of dollars, created an army of jobs and ancillary businesses, exported American cultural soft power across the world and made a lot of people extremely wealthy… and it was abandoned, all for a technological pipe dream of captured audiences mindlessly pressing “renew” on their subscriptions with the glassy eyes of the permanently zombified.

Now that the chips of that capricious decision have begun to land where they may, it has become clear that the new streaming model is a failure in almost every way. An ocean of ink has been spilled analyzing why streaming is bad business, but I want to approach the problem from a different perspective.

19 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. Every single subject in life has pretty much been put on film…the only area that will always have ink in the bottle is the interactions between humans, an area popular in the silver screen age. Unfortunately, with the continuous decline in intellectual or even verbal communication skills, Hollywood will continue pumping out, soulless woke filled action and special effects crap…once in a while a good character one comes out but makes little money. The latest retro bikers movie in which I forget the name was very good.

  2. My rule of thumb is the best tv and movies are based on good books. The young people in my house think I should add in good video games like The Last of Us. I generally watch the free streaming apps that are shows from the 60’s to the early 2000’s plus our DVD collection. Way better quality and storylines.

    The majority of shows in theatres and streaming services that are made by screenwriters are formulatic, predictable and have a guaranteed quota of wokeness that is poorly integrated into the storyline. The rest are sequels that get progressively worse. I pay for A-Prime because of free shipping but, since the addition of commercials, I almost never watch their streaming service. Once the kids leave, I’ll probably cancel Prime too.

  3. The last film I saw in a movie theatre was The Matrix. I saw the film in a brand new theatre complex in Pleasant Hill, CA … a nice, upscale, quiet community. The theatre was filled with … well … “not my people”. They were on their phones thru the whole film, talking, and laughing loudly at things not relative to the film. There were loud arguments, and in general my viewing of the film was NOT pleasurable. So I was DONE with theaters … and the undesirables who populated them. I’ve only watched streaming ever since and even purchased Oppo BluRay receivers for maximum enjoyment. I would much rather watch the films on a sweet Pioneer Elite plasma big screen … than in a movie theatre filled with … well … “those people”.

    Having said that … I currently watch very few films as their plot descriptions sound so odious and hideous … that I don’t bother. Hollyweird is just about dead to me. I don’t need to see any films about gay cowboys eating pudding.

  4. Once every few years, Hollywood will put out something that’s worth pirating.
    The last one, IMHO, was “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.”
    Before that was “Predestination.”

    Gone are the days of movies like “Three Days of the Condor”, “Deathwish” and “Blazing Saddles.”

  5. I used to be an avid movie goer, but lately I’ve had little interest in the general themes and previews. I’ve watched some recent films on DVD provided by friends, and even the ‘good’ ones ain’t so great! TV sucks too.

  6. Well… Movies used to be a night out at a nice restaurant.. Streaming turned them into moms dry chicken on Tuesday night.. Home cooking, a.k.a. content..

    Hand in hand with the politics of the day.. Every axe looking for a grinder has found one with streaming.. Don’t worry it will make money on the back end.. But the back end sucks and the numbers show it..

    Hollywood used to inspire.. Now it lectures, as if it should be paying me.. Die already..

    1. A while back I convinced my daughters to watch some old chick flicks like Steel Magnolias, Joy Luck Club, Fried Green Tomatoes and the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. They liked them and I consider them inspirational. The only negative comment was why movies from that era almost always ended tragically. I said that in real life with real people things often have sad endings and that those movies were stories about more regular type people instead of superheroes and super criminals or apocalyptic and dystopian movies.

  7. There is one movie I watched in the early 1990s that opening weekend box office sales were no indication. “Jacobs Ladder” was hyped big time and the opening weekend had great box office receipts. But once everyone, like me, wasted two hours watching it, it bombed the following weekend and thereafter.

  8. ” . . . captured audiences mindlessly pressing “renew” . . .”

    In Soviet America you don’t push “renew,” renew pushes you. You have to push “cancel” to not renew, and they like to put the button in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”.

  9. Substack almost refuses to allow cancelations. They make it as difficult as possible.

    I’ve gone through my subscription list and culled it to the bone.

  10. What a load of codswallop.
    They failed not because of streaming, but because of total ideological and regulatory capture of the studios by the wokies. From directors to writers to producers to awards, all terminally infected with the woke mind virus.
    If that had not happened, and they actually put real talent and creativity into their productions, they wouldn’t be in trouble.
    Trying to remove the blame from the wokies and place it on the medium of distribution is utterly disingenuous.
