17 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. Slightly off topic.
    There is a Fox News article that electric bills have nearly doubled in NJ. I’ve been looking for some current presidential polling in NJ to no avail . If Trump isn’t running away with a massive lead, please help me understand why. How can there be so many voters willing to commit economic suicide?

    1. Hint: An old friend of mine has a long held theory that up to 80% of the population have below average IQs.

      1. Statistically questionable. I know the difference between “mean” and “median”, but still, it’s not realistic to believe that 80% of the population has below average IQ’s. Typically, that number should be closer to 50%. If 80% of the pop has an IQ below a certain benchmark, then that would lower the overall average, wouldn’t it?

        I’m not a statistician, but this claim does not make any sense to me.

        1. 80 percent are stupid, not below average. That seems about right. He just worded it wrong.

    2. What you see in MSM is intended to make you think lots of other people like KH. It is not really intended to make you or anyone else actually like KH.

      They are fabricating fake history in real time.

  2. “Presidents are selected, not elected.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

    ““A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men… [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913”


    1. A lot of truth there. Try influencing a party leader without being a member of that party. Try maneuvering within the party without the party’s approval. The power is more with the backroom boys in a party than with the general electorate.

  3. The attraction of “free” government cheese is irresistible to anyone suffering from the most toxic of the seven deadly sins – ENVY. Their intent is to deprive (even if virtually) anyone who happens to have something they don’t have, – though they may never gain personal possession of it. Marxism comes to mind…

    1. Indeed. The politics of envy are never about “equality” … they’re about “getting even” … meaning crushing people who have more than you. Just crushing them! There! Now don’t you feeeeeel better about your poverty? Cause you’re still poor.

    1. “The Salad Lady Delivers.
      What deadlines don’t include an element of time?
      The Dumbest Presidential Candidate in EVER.”

      Even worse was Dana Bash allowing Harris to get away with her “Trump killed our border bill” LIE….didn’t even try to correct her on it.

      Supposedly Harris has already fallen 5 points (according to the Democrat’s internal polling) because of this performance. I don’t think there will be any debates now.
