24 Replies to “Ford Land Grab”

  1. It is going to the Soy pool. The trannies need moar soy. It’ll still be farmed, they’ll just make sure it’s maximizes soy production.

  2. In a republic your possessions and property are protected by Law.

    In a democracy the mob rules and out numbers you so they can take what you thought was yours.
    Canadian governments represent the majority…the “mob”.
    The leaders of our governments say “yes sir” to somebody.

  3. Ford is lying. The haste with which the government is acting smells like rotting manure. They know exactly what is going to happen, and they want the kickbacks.

      1. Oh Goody! Glad to hear that! Because it’s provincial legislation that enables municipalities to undertake this land theft. So, we can expect all of blubber douggie’s various ministries that have to give their stamp of approval for the land theft to proceed, to veto the process! Right?

        Yay! We can all rest soundly in our beds.. the Big Guy has our backs. I know, because I feel him … right between my shoulder blades.

  4. When even the region’s conservation authority stays silent you just know something is rotten in Denmark. I don’t know about the Waterloo region but where I am you have to move heaven and Earth to get anything built.

  5. Fat FK, some builders, councillors and some bankers must of had an expensive dinner and came up with a way to fill their troughs.
    People can go on about the dynamics of economics but when,it comes to unaccountable pieces of sht that buy their” friends” those go out the window.
    Crony Capitalism isn’t it grand.

  6. I live there, so I’ve been hearing a lot about it. To be fair to Ford, I don’t believe he initiated it at all, it’s a regional government grab for a future industrial park. He may not be doing anything to prevent it. Why they need to go miles outside the city limits I don’t know. Probably because all the factory space in town is being converted to housing for Connestoga College students from India.

    1. Waterloo resident here, live about 15 minutes from where this debacle is occurring.
      Region of Waterloo Council is infested with lefties and environmentalists. They love to put bike lanes everywhere (unused, of course) in order to stop effective traffic flow, yammer on about CO2 emissions killing the planet, and used to decry the loss of farmland to expansion of the city. And yet, in one of the biggest land grabs for a yet unnamed development, their lips are all zippered. Again, this is how “progressives” act.

    2. By far the most sensible comment in this entire thread. Bleatings about Ford are nonsense; this is indeed being done by the Region, not the province. The reason for this will remain unknown until the Region provides an explanation.

  7. Lots of trees in Ontario.
    Rope is cheap.
    Knots are free.
    Protests are pointless.
    Not advocating, just writing what is painfully obvious.

  8. a page from the TURDeau sr’s play book re the never built pickering airport.
    farmers whose land was expropriated at the time the airport was cancelled, were allowed to buy it back at then mkt rate THREE TIMES more

    gawd it must be nice be a high ranking liberal endless perks and business opportunities. mind the propaganda, alwys fine tuning the msg wee bits constantly is the key.

  9. I read some years ago that some land owners who were pressured to sell in the Toronto area managed to include in a sale deal that if the property rapidly rose in value ( re-zoned) any time in the next ? number of years then the vender received a substantial amount of that gain.

  10. The region has a history of this. The Amazon fulfilment center on Fountain Street, just outside of Blair, was pushed through under totes sus circumstances. If I recall correctly, the region or the City of Cambridge got the province involved to fast-track approval for the site. And then kept the purpose of the development secret, although most people suspected that it was for Amazon. Take a look at the site on Google Maps — the people on Highgrove Court must be thrilled.


  11. Yes… MILLIONS of new Canadians but no land to camp them on.. Its all sacred forest or farm land.. And NIMBYism.. Everybody wants open doors but not at the end of their street..

    Im tired of it.. Pick a place in the sacred tundra / pay off the natives to expand their reservations for some real Indians from India :)..
