10 Replies to “I’m Out”

  1. Color me surprised! Aren’t a few US based EV makers pushing up the daisies too?

    Don’t get me started on the mess created under Obama (renewable energy)!

  2. Redoing the economy along monopoly political lines was never going to work.. That must be why they want censorship so much.. Trust me, its not about hurt feelings..

  3. He’s going to be sorry when the EV revolution takes off and the multi-million dollar bonuses kick in. /sarc

  4. I have a suggestion for you, Mr. Ingenlath. Hop a plane to Ontario ASAP. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding a job there because, with the multi-billion dollar “investments” in battery plants by blubber douggie and turdo, it just has to be the up-and-coming EV manufacturing and sales hotspot of the world.

  5. Isn’t it always the way; these dogs go public with great fanfare and at hugely inflated valuations and immediately tank, while the plebes crawl over each other to get access to the IPO.

    1. Kenji

      …and who would buy a Used one..??
      NOBODY with a Cranium.
      Good for Maybe 5-6 yrs – then burned out – new battery..?? ~ $45-60,000 CAD.

      I on the other hand “invested” in a 2007 GMC 2500 HD Duramax Crew Cab…now sitting at 509,000 Kms (308,000Miles), avg hwy..? ~21 Mpg. Paid $13,000, threw in bout 7K for replacement parts (needed a New Rear diff & a few other things). so, bout 20K all in.

      Added a “Titan Tank” (55 Gallons – 190 Litres). Massive range.
      And I can tow ~ 9000 lbs.

      Likely drive it till the Govt of Canada decides I require MAID.
      EV’s are a colossal Joke.
