20 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Our ancestors weren’t racist,they just knew what would happen if they let the “Celestials” into the country in large numbers.

  2. what in H-E hockey sticks does anybody EXPECT from the TURDeau an avowed “admirer” of their form of “basic dictatorship” ???? hmmmm???? all dem LIEberal voters gratefully getting it in the neck increased crime of the white collar type. the unseen but expensive stuff. Chirer is the closest we’ve ever had seeing what a nation run by the mob would look like. lets hear it, a few bars of the yet again amended national anthem!!

  3. So TD has agreed to voluntarily pay a fine… what is the breakpoint amount at which they are no longer willing to pay? That should be the amount of the fine.

    1. If the gov’t of the day, the #Libranos closed TD Bank for a week to go over the books, (would that get anyone’s attention? lol…) to see where the faults were, the cash would flow overnight to another bank.

      The #Libranos are in on it taking a blind eye with the Chinese police offices in Canada, the Chinese controlled MP’s and the Chinese students attending every university in the country.

      TD’s focus seems to be on keeping their green facade and reeling people in who need to “feel good” about where their money is parked. Canada’s regulators are blind if you’re not actually Canadian.

      Remember when the RCMP dropped the ball on their largest money laundering case in Vancouver, it was just too complicated when everything is in mandarin lol..

      abtrapper at 11.21am in this thread sums it up well.

  4. Anyone still wondering why the average house in Toronto is over a million?

    Anyone still wondering why you can’t build a new house in Toronto? (Permits, you know…)

  5. All Canadian banks are in on it. It’s a feature of casinos, banks and the LPC. Canada isn’t a real country it’s a place controlled by cartels, foreign players of every description and a refuge for despots. They are free to operate however they wish, unopposed. Canadians only live amongst this rabble. We’re not in control of our own future.

  6. Don’t forget: the real problem is the truckers honking in downtown Ottawa.

    1. Such irony. Distressing, however, to note where most Canadian loyalties lie. They won’t challenge this and it will get little profile — but those involved in the Trucker protest must be punished. Really pathetic.

  7. Huh. TD Waterhouse told me they no longer wanted to do business with me because I expressed concerns over them freezing bank accounts for the government. Maybe I should have told them that I have some fentanyl to move.

  8. Cooperation from the Libranos?
    The RCMP Firehall Shooty Gang?
    A Big Smug Bank?
    There is no whore like an old whore and those three whores are the oldest.
    As for PM Monkey Pox, his favourite dish is Cream of Sum Yung Guy.

  9. To be clear, the Bank considers any fine as the cost of doing business, because they won’t pay any other penalty even if they were intimately involved.

    it’s also why companies agreeing to pay fines for the bread price fixing was such a joke, the penalty should have been to fix the prices at the lowest price for a period of time equal to that the conspiracy took place, but then the government wouldn’t get it’s cut.

  10. What we should be asking?

    How much of this money filters down to team Trudeau?

    How much of this money filters to Biden-Harris-Pelosi et al?

  11. Shrug. Whether it’s laundering Chicomm money or seizing freedom-loving Canadians’ bank accounts, TD is just doing what turdo’s corrupt government wants it to do.

    And if RBC, BOM, BNS, and La Caisse aren’t doing it, it just means TD beat them to the punch.

  12. That’s an entertaining read. The most amusing thing in there is this:

    “Wan Kuok-koi, aka Broken Tooth, runs around with a Chinese diplomatic passport.”

    Call me crazy. But, if the Chinese Government was concerned about the association between the Triad and the Communist Government….I seriously don’t think they would issue a diplomatic passport to one of the Triad leaders.

  13. How many time do you have to sell your rear end before you become a post nationalist whore?..
